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There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to land-use planning on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2509 - 2520 of 6246

Land in the New Urban Agenda - A Briefing note for Policy-Makers

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2016

Land is central to sustainable urban development as most measures are only possible to be realized if sufficient land at the right location is available and affordable. The issues of land in human settlements are increasingly similar in countries at all levels of economic development from small rural settlements in developed countries to mega-cities in developing countries.This briefing note outlines commitments that policy makers in local governments should make and act upon regarding land issues within the New Urban Agenda.

Remaking the urban mosaic. Participatory and inclusive land readjustment

Reports & Research
July, 2016

Participatory and inclusive land readjustment, or PILaR for short, is a way of reorganizing the ownership of land in and around cities in a pro-poor way. It brings together land parcels belonging to different owners and treats them as a single unit for planning and infrastructure provision. The municipality reserves a portion of the land for roads and other public infrastructure, and returns the rest to the original owners. Each owner gets back a smaller parcel, but it is worth more because it now has road access and other services.

Final Report: Land Use Consolidation and Crop Intensification In Rwanda

Reports & Research
December, 2014

The Land Use Consolidation Act (LUC) was introduced in 2008 and is an important
component of agricultural policy in Rwanda. As part of the Government of Rwanda’s
broader Crop Intensification Program (CIP), LUC entails participating farmers
consolidating aspects of their operations with neighboring farmers, while retaining
individual ownership of their parcels. LUC farmers also agree to grow a single priority
crop that has been identified by the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) as best suited to