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Issuesland-use planningLandLibrary Resource
There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to land-use planning on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2557 - 2568 of 6246

Making Land  Investment Work  for Tanzania

Reports & Research
February, 2012

The purpose of this assignment was to establish whether there is appetite to hold a public debate on how to realise better land‐based investments in Tanzania. It also aimed at identifying what would be the discussion issues and most appropriate mechanism to allow different actors from different levels to articulate their perspectives on land‐based investments in Tanzania. This has been triggered by the sensitivity surrounding the topic.

Impacts of Climate Change on Land Use Patterns and Livelihoods of Pastoralists and Hunter Gathers

Reports & Research
November, 2013

Over the years, PINGOs Forum has been concerned with the future of Pastoral and HunterGatherer communities with regard to changing patterns of traditional land use and livelihoods options. The information gathered from the past studies have risen much concern on the side of PINGOs Forum that perhaps climate change may have a serious bearing in the land use patterns and livelihoods of Pastoralists and Hunter-gatherers. As a result of this concern, PINGOs Forum decided to embark on a study to observe changes that have occurred in land use patterns in recent years.

Fact Finding Mission on the Impact of Wildlife Investment in Pastoralist Areas of Monduli, Simanjiro, Babati and Kondoa

Reports & Research
May, 2013

This fact finding is the fulfilment of PINGO’s Forum daily activities for inquiring the challenges facing pastoralists communities. In this fact finding, we will look at the impact of wildlife conservations in pastoralists areas. The Wildlife sector has become a threat to livestock sectors by which the wildlife sector is grabbing livestock grazing areas in the name of wild life conservation. In this fact finding we will look at the impact of established Randile Wildlife Management Area (RWMA) into the grazing area of Lolkisale village among other five villages forming the WMA.

Participatory Land Use Planning as a Tool for Community Empowerment in Northern Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2010

This paper presents several case studies to show how the Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT) has been working within Tanzania’s legal and policy framework to support a diverse range of pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and hunter-gatherers, all of whom face fundamental threats from external appropriation of, or encroachment on, lands and natural resources. The work also responds to local needs to rationalise resource use rights amongst competing local groups, such as farmers and livestock keepers.

Original People

Reports & Research
November, 2007

The Hadzabe community of the Yaida Valley requested UCRT to assist them to undertake a cultural mapping exercise.

Securing Communal Land Tenure in Northern Tanzania Using Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2014

Communal lands are central to the livelihoods of many Tanzanians, particularly to pastoralists and hunter-gatherer groups. But a number of factors can undermine the security of these lands remaining ‘communal,’ in turn threatening the livelihoods of many people and cultures. This brief sets out a new mechanism for strengthening community land rights by securing local tenure through acquiring a Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCRO).

Women’s Rights and Leadership Forums

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2013

In northern Tanzania, new grassroots groups called Women’s Rights and Leadership Forums (WRLFs) are mobilizing women and men in pastoralist communities to promote and defend local land rights. This briefing highlights some of the WRLFs’ achievements and strategies; asks how these forums, which appear to be a part of an emerging grassroots social movement for land rights, can be further supported; and explores whether such forums could be replicated elsewhere in the region

Governmental Decree No. 568 validating the Regulation on registration, protection, restoration and management of the objects of historical and cultural heritage.

Central Asia

This Governmental Decree establishes that objects of historical and cultural heritage shall be construction, memorial sites related to historical events in the life of society and development of society and the state, that represent historical, scientific, artistic and other value. State management in the sphere of historical and cultural heritage shall be performed by the Government through authorized state institution.

Chittagong Hill Tracts Treaty, 1997.

International Conventions or Treaties
Southern Asia

The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) peace accord was signed on December 2, 1997 in Dhaka at the Prime Minister's office between the government and the Parbatya Chattagram Jana Sanghati Samity (PCJSS). However, some hill tribe sects and organisations have rejected the accord. Both sides, considering CHT as Tribal Populated Region, recognised the necessity for protection of the character of this region and for overall development of it.

Regional Law No. 174-OZ “On expropriation of public or municipal land for public and municipal needs”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes cases of expropriation, including repayment, of public or municipal land for public and municipal needs. Expropriation shall be performed in the following cases: (a) for public construction in accordance with land-use planning projects; (b) for realization of regional and municipal programs; (c) for conservation of the objects of cultural heritage in public ownership; (d) institution of new or extension of already existing protected areas; and (e) construction and reconstruction of objects partially or completely financed out of regional or local budget.