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Issuesland-use planningLandLibrary Resource
There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to land-use planning on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2629 - 2640 of 6246

Decree-Law No. 129/2008 regulating river estuaries’ land management plans (POE).

Southern Europe

This Decree-Law is composed of 12 articles and two annexes. It rules on the land management plans of river estuaries (POE). In particular, it defines the scope of application of POEs, mainly aimed at protecting the water and ecosystems through an integrated management. POEs shall be defined their respective Hydrographic Regional Administrations. The Annex lists the estuaries that shall adopt POEs.

Resolución Nº 139 - Modifica la Resolución Nº 366, que reglamenta las estrategias de erradicación y posterradicación de cultivos ilícitos y las medidas de transición económica y social en las zonas con presencia, vulnerabilidad o amenazadas por cultivo...

South America

La presente Resolución modifica la que reglamenta las estrategias de erradicación y posterradicación de cultivos ilícitos y las medidas de transición económica y social en las zonas con presencia, vulnerabilidad o amenazadas por cultivos ilícitos, en relación a los procesos de recuperación y consolidación del control del Estado sobre los territorios afectados que demandan la revisión de los programas y/o estrategias institucionales para responder con oportunidad en situaciones de transición económica y social de los territorios, para actuar en forma coordinada, oportuna y con flexibilidad p

Regulation of the Shanghai Municipality on Urban and Rural Planning.

Eastern Asia

This Regulation aims at strengthening the administration on urban and rural planning, arranging the urban and rural spatial distribution in an overall manner, improving the living environment, and promoting an overall, coordinated and sustainable development of urban and rural economy and society.The Regulations provides for the procedures of, and requirements for formulation, approval, amendment and implementation of urban and rural planning.

Decreto Nº 4.821 - Medidas para garantizar la existencia de suelo urbanizable para los proyectos de construcción de vivienda y reubicación de asentamientos humanos.

South America

El presente Decreto adopta medidas para garantizar la existencia de suelo urbanizable para los proyectos de construcción de vivienda y reubicación de asentamientos humanos para atender la situación de desastre nacional y de emergencia económica, social y ecológica nacional.

Implementado por: Decreto Nº 1.490 - Reglamenta el Decreto Nº 4.821, sobre medidas para garantizar la existencia de suelo urbanizable para los proyectos de construcción de vivienda y reubicación de asentamientos humanos. (2011-05-09)

Decreto Ley Nº 6.072/08 - Ley del Régimen Prestacional de Vivienda y Hábitat.

South America

El presente Decreto Ley tiene por objeto regular el Régimen Prestacional de Vivienda y Hábitat, desarrollando las bases, mecanismos, órganos y entes necesarios para garantizar el derecho a una vivienda y hábitat dignos, de conformidad con lo establecido en la legislación que regula el Sistema de Seguridad Social.

Regulation No. 26/93 approving the Regional Land Use Planning within the territory of Alentejo.

Southern Europe

This Regulation approves the Regional Land Use Planning within the territory of Alentejo. It consists of 5 chapters establishing the requirements to be met in order to carry out the said Regional zone programme (called PROTALI. 1). The aim of this programme is: a) regulate land use and transformation with its rational sustainable exploitation; b) regulate building construction and preserve natural heritage; c) draw-up regional land use plans; d) land management, etc. PROTALI shall be enforced for 10 years.

Countryside Stewardship Regulations 1998 (No. 1327 of 1998).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations, make provision supplementing Council Regulation (EC) No. 2078/92, as amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2772/95 which was in turn amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1962/96 on agricultural methods compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the countryside.

Planning and Zoning Act 1987.

Marshall Islands

The Act provides for the planning of land and water use and the creation of zones for specific purposes. Section 3 sets out the tasks of the Chief Planner, who shall be an adviser in planning to central and local authorities. Every local government council shall establish a planning commission in accordance with section 4. The mayor shall be chairman of the commission. A commission shall examine and decide on matters in the framework of this Act. All local government offices have a planning office. Sections 10 and following provide for zoning, i.e.

Decision No. 54/2009/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery toward commodity and export production; increase in productivity and quality of agricultural products; sustainable protection and development of the environment and of natural resources; control of environmental pollution; development of water supply, drainage and irrigation systems; and land use and urban planning.

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Avian Influenza) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2008 (S.S.I. 74 of 2008).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order amends the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 in Part 25A of Schedule 1, which grants planning permission in respect of certain development which is necessary for the purposes of housing poultry and other captive birds to protect them from avian influenza. Where Part 25A applies, no specific application for planning permission is needed. The amendment concerns the requirement of notification to the planning authority and removal of the development once the need for it has ended.