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Issuesland cover mappingLandLibrary Resource
There are 396 content items of different types and languages related to land cover mapping on the Land Portal.
Displaying 73 - 84 of 342

Open Government Data. Notes for a State of the Art 2016 and Focus on Italian Government Real Estate Data

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2016

Public Administrations (PA) collect data. They do that to function and for accountability purposes.
The digital revolution implies that the cost of making these data available for reuse is negligible, while it increases the opportunity cost of limiting their use to the purpose for which they were originally collected.
The law encourages such reuse, and there is a growing number of technical standards and good practices making that easier and sustainable. In short, nowadays, the publication of open data is a good practice, but also a duty for PAs.

La Cittadella di Alessandria: valori e strategie in gioco nel processo di sdemanializzazione

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2015

Le tematiche inerenti la valorizzazione dei patrimoni demaniali, della loro gestione e riequilibrio finanziario tramite un’attenta politica di dismissioni e di crescita di redditività attraverso la concessione o la locazione a terzi, sono andate ampliandosi, ponendo crescente attenzione agli aspetti della finanza pubblica.

Drones in cadastral applications: possible uses

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2016

The considerable diffusion of technologies that use drones as the carriers that make it possible to bring photogrammetric sensors to heights for the acquisition of territorial information is arousing interest in a production sector, that of geotopographic information, which like other sectors, needs to find new stimulus in order to renew itself.

Il catasto a valori e redditi: alcune considerazioni

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

L’articolo intende verificare la tenuta logico-metodologica della costituzione di un catasto dei valori basato sui valori di mercato, oltreché dei redditi, come prevedono le linee di riforma in discussione
da tempo nel Parlamento italiano, anche alla luce delle critiche avanzate e delle criticità insite nella determinazione teorica ed empirica dei valori patrimoniali per finalità impositive.

Situating CASBEE, a Japanese-made unique building rating and certification system, within a broader context

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2014

An underlying premise of the voluntary assessments and certifications offered by existing major building performance assessment systems is that if the market is provided with improved information and mechanisms, a discerning client group can and will provide leadership in environmental responsibility, and that others will follow suit to remain competitive.

L’interconnessione dei registri europei della proprietà immobiliare: il caso italiano e spagnolo a confronto

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2017

La necessità che le informazioni detenute dai Registri Immobiliari possano liberamente circolare all’interno dello spazio dell’Unione rappresenta un obiettivo prioritario nell’ambito della strategia delineata dal Consiglio UE in materia di giustizia elettronica europea 2014-2018, la quale prevede di incentrare l’azione “sulla interconnessione dei registri che presentino un interesse per i cittadini, le imprese, gli operatori della giustizia e i magistrati”.

Information interoperability and interdisciplinarity: the BIM approach from SEEMPubS project to DIMMER project

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

Design, implementation and management constitute the cornerstones of the building process and the current trend, albeit still at an embryonic state in Italy, is represented by the application of a problem-solving approach combining integrated analysis and research between interdisciplinary professionals able to integrate their know-how and experience.

The Citadel of Alessandria: Values and strategies involved in the process of releasing from the public ownership

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2015

The issues concerning the valorization of assets state property, their management and financial rebalancing through a careful policy of disposals and growth of profitability. These dynamics, through the grant or lease to third parties, have been expanding and pay increasing attention to issues of public finance. A radical change of perspective has started in the evaluation of the role of asset management in the field of local authorities. The heritage is no longer considered static, but dynamic; it is gained as a strategic asset in the overall financial management.

The empirical experience for a comparison between land value and market value: the case of Milan

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2014

The project evaluates the quality of the cadastral classification of the city of Milan determined by an index of the deviation between the value of the land and the most likely market value of immovable property. The processing was done on the whole building cadastral ordinary stock (categories A0* and C0*) consisting of more than 1,200,000 urban immovable properties.

L’uso di piattaforme digitali collaborative nella prospettiva di un’amministrazione condivisa. Il progetto Miramap a Torino

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2016

Lo scritto intende illustrare un approccio innovativo alla pianificazione urbana e all’Amministrazione condivisa basato sull’uso di piattaforme digitali collaborative PA/cittadino.
Tale prospettiva è declinata nel progetto pilota MiraMap, a Torino, nella Circoscrizione Mirafiori Sud, di cui è responsabile un gruppo di ricerca del Politecnico di Torino. Il progetto implementa e sviluppa una precedente esperienza effettuata nel 2013 (Crowdmapping MirafioriSud), il cui scopo principale era quello