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Issues land use mapping related News
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7 May 2024
ILRG II seeks concept papers for the Environmental Defenders Grant Fund, designed to support environmental defender organizations with the resources necessary to enhance their impact in addressing the land-related root cause of threats, and ensure the long-term sustainability of their vital work:
20 April 2024
Reporter Yangyel Lhaden in conversation with National Land Commission Secretariat on National Land Use Zoning Baseline Report 2023
27 July 2023
Minorities, women, and persons internally displaced face severe land tenure issues in post-conflict Iraq.
26 May 2023
The GIZ Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment (S2RAI) project initiated a 3-years training on land registration and cadastral surveying for over 45 students from Gambella region at the Assosa Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education Training Center (AATVET) of the neighboring region
20 January 2023
The Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) seeks an individual consultant or organisation to devise a methodology(s) for mapping land ownership patterns in urban areas, through a process of creating ownership maps for four cities in different regions.
7 June 2022
A new report identifies the main threats to biodiversity in Sri Lanka — river diversion, habitat loss, pollution, invasive species, overexploitation, and climate change — as well as updates the catalog of the island’s wealth of plant and animal life. The 6th National Report to the Convention on
31 May 2022
ZANZIBAR's Land Commission plans to survey 2,000 plots, prepare 3,400 maps and conduct valuation on 400 areas in the next fiscal year. Land and Settlement Development Minister Rahma Kassim Ali told the House of Representatives here on Monday that the commission will as well prepare 2,000 titles on
11 November 2021
The Land Commission of 1957 was critical of the manner in which during the past two decades land had been alienated without sufficient regard to its physical character and suitability for the purpose for which it was enacted. The Land Commission of 1987 correctly emphasized that the issues which
10 September 2021
A new approach helps resolve land tenure issues faster and more efficiently. Download the project brief
23 August 2021
Being developed within an EU-funded project, DIONE Toolbox is a solution that allows European Paying Agencies to comply with the Modernised CAP regulations while conducting an environmental performance evaluation of greening at a national or regional level, depending on the agency's jurisdiction.
17 May 2021
Current estimates of land-use change may be capturing only one-quarter of its true extent across the world, new research shows.
15 April 2021
Since 2009, Cambodia has had a legal process by which Indigenous communities can obtain legal title to their traditional land. Of around 455 Indigenous communities in Cambodia, 33 have been granted land titles. People who have engaged in the Indigenous land titling process say it is time-

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