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Issues rural population related News
Displaying 73 - 84 of 90
23 February 2017
Date: 23 February 2017 Source: The Irish Times Honduras is the deadliest country on Earth to be a defender of environmental rights with conflict over mining, hydropower and agribusiness leading to the deaths of many people from indigenous groups and rural communities, the Global Witness charity
20 February 2017
By: Emma Graham-Harrison Date: 19 February 2017 Source: The Guardian Peace has proved more dangerous than war for activists and local leaders. Can the state stop the killings?
20 February 2017
By:KHUON NARIM AND ZSOMBOR PETER Date: 20 February 2017 Source: The Cambodia Daily The government has indefinitely put off plans for a hydropower dam in Koh Kong province’s Areng valley in favor of expanding an existing coal-fired power plant, though conservationists worry that a planned
16 February 2017
A embaixada dos EUA em Angola está a desafiar os estudantes angolanos, com diploma de licenciatura, a inscreverem-se no Programa de Bolsas de Estudo Fulbright, que anualmente oferece a mais de 1.800 cidadãos estrangeiros a possibilidade de estudarem nos EUA a custo zero. De acordo com a mensagem
5 February 2017
By: Luis Jaime Acosta Date: 5 February 2017 Source: Reuters Around 300 fighters from Colombia's Marxist FARC rebels will not demobilize under a peace deal, a military commander said, giving the first official figure of guerrillas who may join with crime gangs seeking control of lucrative
5 February 2017
Date: 5 February 2017 Source: Independent Online
5 February 2017
Na manhã desta sexta-feira (03), a Secretaria do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SDA) realizou a entrega de 217 títulos de terra e assinou a ordem de serviço para instalação de sistema de abastecimento d´água com módulos sanitários em Banabuiú, município localizado a 233 km de distância da capital
Date: September 14th 2016 Source: Economy Lead Economic growth is not enough to save those threatened daily with starvation. Governments need to tailor policies and investments to transform rural areas in developing countries if they want to eliminate poverty, according to a new global study
By: Rina Chandran Date: 12 December 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation   The battle over land and resources turned bloodier in the past year with treble the number of land rights defenders killed, according to a human rights group that fears the violence will get even worse.
By: Gaurav Madan  Date: August 31st 2016 Source: Motherboard Depending on the season, the journey to Rivercess County requires either bumping along dirt paths or navigating endless stretches of mud. In the heart of Liberia the dense tropical forests, some of the last intact in West Africa, are
By: Sarah McColl Date: October 7th 2016 Source: Take Part Organizers of the Mt. Kilamanjaro ascent promise to take "the issues of rural women farmers to the top.”

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