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There are 1, 342 content items of different types and languages related to displacement on the Land Portal.
Displaying 673 - 684 of 797

Art in Exile

Reports & Research
May, 2005

Burmese paintings find their home in a Chiang Mai gallery...

"It’s a sad reflection on the Rangoon regime’s restrictive policies on artistic expression that one of Southeast Asia’s finest collections of contemporary Burmese art isn’t to be found in Burma, but in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand.

Burmese Refugee Transnationalism: What Is the Effect?

Reports & Research
November, 2008

Abstract: "Burmese refugees in Thailand maintain economic, social and
political links with their country of origin, but these transnational activities
are influenced by the politics and level of development of the country of
origin and the host country. Through transnational activities, refugees can
have a positive impact on the home country by contributing to peace-building
and development or they can enhance conflict, as the discussion on
community engagement and political transnationalism will illustrate. Clearly,

In the Name of Mandalay

Reports & Research
May, 2005

Preserving Burmese traditions in Thailand...

"In 1886 the British finally conquered Mandalay, the historic capital of the last independent Burmese kingdom. San Toe, a servant of the beleaguered King Thibaw and a devout Buddhist, fled the newly colonized city, bringing with him an image of the Buddha crafted by Mandalay artisans. He worked in the logging business as an employee of the Bombay Burma Trading Corporation before settling in the town of Mae Sariang in northern Thailand. There he built a Burmese monastery in 1909 to house his cherished Buddha image.

Myanmar: Lack of Security in Counter-Insurgency Areas

Reports & Research
July, 2002

...In February and March 2002 Amnesty International interviewed some 100 migrants from
Myanmar at seven different locations in Thailand. They were from a variety of ethnic groups,
including the Shan; Lahu; Palaung; Akha; Mon; Po and Sgaw Karen; Rakhine; and Tavoyan
ethnic minorities, and the majority Bamar (Burman) group. They originally came from the Mon,
Kayin, Shan, and Rakhine States, and Bago, Yangon and Tanintharyi Divisions.(1) What follows
below is a summary of human rights violations in some parts of eastern Myanmar during the last

A Life in Hiding

Reports & Research
June, 2005

Karen Internally Displaced Persons wonder when they will be able to go home...

"Sitting in his new bamboo hut in Ler Per Her camp for Internally Displaced Persons, located on the bank of Thailand’s Moei River near the border with Burma, Phar The Tai—a skinny, tough-looking man of 60 who used to hide in the jungles and mountains of Burma’s eastern Karen State—waits for the time when he can return home.

Finding Food in Fear/Living in Fear (video)

Reports & Research
November, 2009

Finding Food in Fear/Living in Fear
Introduction for ‘one family’....

In February 2010, Burma Issues conducted a field trip inside Karen State to raise internally displaced persons’ (IDPs) awareness of the upcoming elections. While they were watching a video, the township where the IDPs were staying was attacked by the Burmese army. They had to flee into the jungle and our cameraman decided to follow.

FMO Research Guide: Burma

Reports & Research
July, 2003

Historically underdeveloped and divided, Burma today is politically isolated, increasingly militarised, economically mismanaged by its own authorities, and socially and culturally divided along ethnic, religious, and language lines. Following independence from Britain in 1948, parties representing the ethnic minority population have been struggling for greater autonomy from the central Burmese regime.

After the 1997 Offensives: The Burma Army's Relocation Program in Kamoethway Area

Reports & Research
March, 2003

Mass Displacement by the Burmese Army's forced relocation program in Tenasserim division first rose to awareness when multi-national companies started to build the Yadana gas pipeline. What followed was a Burmese Army offensive in 1997 to KNU controlled areas to secure more of the area for their business interests. After the arrival of foreign companies and the Yadana gas pipeline the Kamoethway area became a refuge for those fleeing from the gas pipeline area. Later Kamoethway area itself became another target for Burmese troops trying to gain better access to the gas pipeline.

IDPs in Burma: A short summary

Reports & Research
March, 2003

Burma has a population of 50 million people, recent estimates place 2 million of those people as Internally Displaced
Persons (IDP). They live precarious and transient lives in the jungles of Burma’s ethnic border areas and in the more urban
central plains. They are denied the stability of having a home and a livelihood and are forced into a constant state of
movement: never having the opportunity to maintain a home, their farms, access to education and medical facilities and
peace of mind...


Reports & Research
July, 2004

I. Executive Summary;
II. Introduction;
III. Thailand: Background.
IV. Burma: Background.
V. Project Methodology;
VI. Findings:
Hill Tribe Women and Girls in Thailand; Burmese Migrant Women and Girls in Thailand;
VII. Law and Policy – Thailand;
VIII. Applicable International Human Rights Law;
IX. Law and Policy – United States
X. Conclusion and Expanded Recommendations..."This study was designed to provide critical insight and
remedial recommendations on the manner in which