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Issues indigenous peoples' land rights related News
Displaying 61 - 72 of 349
23 April 2021
On social media, global indigenous leadership addresses South African magnate Elon Musk, who has launched a global award for carbon sequestration projects. Up-to-date technological solution is the same it has always been: ancestral wisdom  
22 April 2021
Today, on Earth Day, the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, commonly known as the “Escazú Agreement,” en
22 April 2021
Today, the world celebrates Earth Day, a commemoration that began in 1970 to mark the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement. Since then, Earth Day has become a global event where the international community at large focuses the spotlight and global momentum on tackling the
22 April 2021
20 April 2021
Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) has unanimously accepted an appeal by the Guarani Kaiowá Indigenous people and agreed to review the process around a past case that cancelled the demarcation of their Indigenous territory. The Guarani Kaiowá’s decades-long fight for land rights to their
19 April 2021
As a five-star hotel and amusement park are built in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, locals are fearful of losing water sources and say traditional livelihoods of 10,000 residents will be harmed. (photo: Members of the Mro indigenous community demonstrate in Dhaka protesting against the building of a
15 April 2021
Since 2009, Cambodia has had a legal process by which Indigenous communities can obtain legal title to their traditional land. Of around 455 Indigenous communities in Cambodia, 33 have been granted land titles. People who have engaged in the Indigenous land titling process say it is time-
15 April 2021
President Rodrigo Duterte has lifted a ban on issuing licenses for new mining operations in the Philippines, marking an about-face from a previous anti-mining stance that saw him ban open-pit mining in 2017 and close or suspend 26 mining operations for environmental violations. The government says
25 March 2021
Improving tenure of forests by Indigenous and Tribal Peoples can lower deforestation rates and biodiversity loss, avoiding C02 emissions, but more investment is urgently needed to address rising threats.   25 March 2021, Santiago Chile - Deforestation rates in Latin America and the Caribbean are
25 March 2021
The Balochistan High Court (BHC), in a landmark judgment, has declared that the ‘unsettled land’ of Pakistan’s largest province belongs to the indigenous tribes and not the provincial government. Despite its low population, the Balochistan province is the biggest federating unit of Pakistan in
8 March 2021
In honor of International Open Data Day, having taken place on March 6th, we would like to invite you to submit your data story to the Land Portal.  Read more below!   Why submit a data story?  
18 February 2021
Threats against indigenous people and rainforests have risen during the coronavirus pandemic as governments have rolled back social and environmental safeguards to boost economic growth, land rights activists said on Thursday. Governments in five countries with tropical forests have weakened legal

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