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Issues indigenous peoples' land rights related News
Displaying 73 - 84 of 349
18 February 2021
Threats against indigenous people and rainforests have risen during the coronavirus pandemic as governments have rolled back social and environmental safeguards to boost economic growth, land rights activists said on Thursday. Governments in five countries with tropical forests have weakened legal
18 February 2021
In their quest to bolster economies battered by the pandemic, governments in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and elsewhere have set aside social and environmental safeguards in favor of destructive development projects that are harming Indigenous communities and the forests they care for,
4 February 2021
Nominations Open Now! Deadline for Nomination - 28th February 2021  
4 January 2021
A report by Global Witness has found that more than 100 Indonesian palm oil mills supplying agribusiness giants ADM and Bunge have been accused of land and human rights violations and environmental destruction. Global Witness found that neither company is addressing the majority of these
30 December 2020
Adan Medina, a vocal activist in disputes with loggers and landowners, was shot and killed by a group of men An indigenous leader and activist was killed in northern Honduras, officials said on Wednesday, the second such murder in the Central American country in less than a week. Adan Medina, 46,
30 December 2020
Main image: photo of Grabbing char land, influentials have been digging ponds for fish farming in Sonagazi upazila of Feni. Dhaka Tribune Leaders of plain land indigenous people demand to be supervised under a separate ministry The indigenous people of the plain land are still victims of various
23 December 2020
Main photo: young oil palms await planting on land deforested by South Korea’s Korindo in the Indonesian province of Papua (Image: Mighty Earth) In 2019, South Korea imported 745,000 metric tonnes of palm oil, up from 194,000 metric tonnes in 2005. It is one of the fastest-growing markets for the
26 November 2020
Top Indonesian ministers who pushed for the passage of a deregulation bill that benefits the mining and “dirty energy” industry have links to some of those very companies, a new report shows. The report by a coalition of NGOs highlights “massive potential for conflicts of interest” in the drafting
16 November 2020
BANGKOK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Thai authorities have reached an agreement with a landless community that will allow villagers to live in a mangrove forest if they help protect the area, a unique collaboration that could work across the country, land rights groups said. Under a memorandum
12 November 2020
A Korean palm oil giant has been buying up swathes of Asia's largest remaining rainforests. A visual investigation published today suggests fires have been deliberately set on the land Petrus Kinggo walks through the thick lowland rainforest in the Boven Digoel Regency. "This is our mini market,"
4 November 2020
10-13 NOVEMBER 2020 The Tenure Facility, in partnership with the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI), invite you to join the online 2020 Partners Learning Exchange: “Community Resilience and Land Rights Progress”. As the Coronavirus pandemic continues the shake the
4 November 2020
The struggles of Indigenous leaders of the Honduran Peoples within a multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual country that is made up of four ethnic groups: mestizo or white, Indigenous (Lenca, Misquito, Tolupan, Chorti, Pech or Paya, Tawahka), Garífuna and Creole-Anglo-speakers, have turned

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