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23 October 2020
WHILE the principle of land reform in Zimbabwe was primarily to address the skewed legacy of colonial land ownership imbalances, the late former president Robert Mugabe and his family engaged in greedy accumulation of farms establishing themselves as the new landed aristocracy. Owen Gagare By the
8 October 2020
Some chiefs in the Greater Accra Region have threatened to demonstrate against the government over lands that were seized from them by the state. The aggrieved chiefs threatened a 4-day protest asking the government to immediately release to them lands that were confiscated by the state years ago.
7 October 2020
Main photo: Cambodian farmer and land rights activist Oum Samorl (photo: Ridan Sun) Cambodian farmer Oum Samorl and her family lost their farm to a corporate land grab 15 years ago. They have never stopped feeling the loss, especially during the pandemic. Oum Samorl remembers the day in June 2006
2 October 2020
Las autoridades argentinas reconocen que hubo un fuerte aumento de ocupaciones de terrenos desde que asumió el gobierno de Alberto Fernández y Cristina Fernández de Kirchner en diciembre pasado.
30 September 2020
The first of 10 Mondulkiri public officials implicated in illegal land grabbing in the province has been transferred from his position — a warning to others, according to a government spokesperson, but for local rights monitors a sign of continuing impunity over imprisonable crimes. An inter-
27 September 2020
One of the ugliest features of the modern world is the exploitation of natural resources for private gain irrespective of its consequences for the environment and the larger community, especially the poor majority.
21 September 2020
Around 1,000 villagers from three Cambodian provinces blocked the road leading to the Land Ministry in Phnom Penh on Monday to demand government help in resolving disputes over land taken by private companies and politically connected businesspeople, sources in the country said. Protesters from Koh
19 September 2020
Four years ago, Phu Thap Boek -- a popular mountainous attraction in Phetchabun province -- became synonymous with the success of the military regime in reclaiming forest land, or the Tuang Kuen Phuen Pa campaign when the state took back forest land from illegal occupants.
5 September 2020
(main photo: Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari says the factory building will be demolished within the next few months) KUALA LUMPUR: The Selangor government will instruct the factory responsible for the pollution of Sungai Selangor, which led to water disruptions to over 1.2 million people in
4 September 2020
A white former Zimbabwean commercial farmer says most landowners who were dispossessed of their farms during the country's violent land grab programme post-2000 would prefer financial compensation as opposed to land offers by government. Government recently inked a US$3,5 deal with farmer
31 August 2020
THE minister of urban and rural development, Erastus Uutoni, has applied to the High Court to evict about 2 000 people who allegedly grabbed unserviced municipal land at Okahandja. Uutoni and the Municipality of Okahandja are asking the court to authorise the eviction of people who allegedly

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