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Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas



PhilDHRRA envisions a society that is characterized by participatory democracy, equality, national sovereignty, economic prosperity, cultural autonomy, gender equity, and environmental sustainability. Relevant and self-reliant NGOs will make a significant contribution to the attainment of this society.

These NGOs are those who:

  1. have clearly defined their vision, mission and goals;
  2. implement programs that respond to community needs;

Sahabat Alam Malaysia


Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) or Friends' of the Earth Malaysia, is an independent non-profit national organisation established in 1977. SAM is a registered body under the Societies Act 1966 and has been a member of the Friends of the Earth International since 1983. 

Lehigh Preserve

The repository is a service of the Lehigh University libraries. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the individual university departments and centers on campus.


No final dos anos 1980, as imagens de destruição da Amazônia começavam a ganhar destaque na imprensa nacional e mundial. O desmatamento acelerado, as queimadas, a exploração predatória de madeira e a proliferação dos garimpos de ouro exerciam grande pressão ambiental e social sobre a região. Nessa época, o ecólogo norte-americano Christopher Uhl, então pesquisador visitante da Embrapa, realizava pesquisas sobre as áreas degradadas no leste do Pará e preocupava-se com o pouco entendimento e a escassa documentação dessas transformações na paisagem Amazônica.

Ford Foundation




We believe in the inherent dignity of all people. But around the world, too many people are excluded from the political, economic, and social institutions that shape their lives. 





The Tenure Facility

The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility is focused on securing land and forest rights for Indigenous Peoples and local communities. We are the first financial mechanism to exclusively fund projects working towards this goal while reducing conflict, driving development, improving global human rights, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire

O Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire (CCLF) é uma organização não governamental de direitos humanos, que surge em 1972, a partir de um grupo que buscava a restauração da democracia, através de atividades culturais e projetos de desenvolvimento comunitário, durante o período autoritário da Ditadura Militar brasileira.

Naya Sawera Vikas Kendra


Naya Sawera Vikas Kendra (NSVK) has been working towards the empowerment of the poor and the marginalized since 1999. It has been effectively working to uplift the conditions of the denied and the deprived. NSVK has initiated several interventions to meet the changing socio-economic and political context and be relevant and working directly with the communities through the CBOs and their networks.


Our Vision:

To establish an egalitarian and non-exploitative “Sarvodaya” social order that will promote and uphold justice and economic self-reliance.

Vikalp Sangam

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए नीचे देखीये । 

The name 'Vikalp Sangam' is Hindi for 'Alternatives Confluence'.

As the world hurtles towards greater ecological devastation, inequalities, and social conflicts, the biggest question facing us is: are there alternative ways of meeting human needs and aspirations, without trashing the earth and without leaving half of humanity behind?

Acta Scientiarum

A revista publica artigos originais em todas as áreas relevantes da Filosofia e das ciências sociais, abordando tanto temas tradicionais quanto emergentes e, também, artigos localizados na interface com outras áreas de conhecimento.

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