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Land & Conflicts



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Government Blockchain Association - Land Titling Working Group



The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) is an international nonprofit professional association with its headquarters located in Fairfax, Virginia. GBA focuses on its members as individuals and organizations that are interested in promoting blockchain technology solutions to government, but does not advocate for any specific policy position. Membership is available to government employees along with student organizations, private sector professionals, and corporations. Membership fees are waived for government employees.




O Instituto Tricontinental de Pesquisa Social é uma instituição internacional, orientada pelos movimentos populares, focada em estimular o debate intelectual para o serviço das aspirações do povo.

Nossa história

O significado do Tricontinental:


Cordaid works to end poverty and exclusion. We do this in the world’s most fragile and conflict-affected areas as well as in the Netherlands.

We engage communities to rebuild trust and resilience and increase people’s self-reliance. Our professionals provide humanitarian assistance and create opportunities to improve security, health care and education and stimulate inclusive economic growth.

Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting is an American news media organization established in 2006 that sponsors independent reporting on global issues that other media outlets are less willing or able to undertake on their own. The Center's goal is to raise the standard of coverage of international systemic crises, and to do so in a way that engages both the broad public and government policy-makers. The organization is based in Washington, D.C.


Source: Wikipedia (consulted d.d. February 18th, 2020)

Commision Nationale des Terres et autres Biens (Burundi)


The Commision Nationale des Terres et Autres Biens was established recently by the Government of Burundi to address widespread conflicts relating to land and other properties that have arisen following Burundi’s independence 45 years ago. 


For most Burundians, land is both history and livelihood. In a densely populated country where almost nine out of 10 citizens are subsistence farmers, land ownership is a desperate need and a flashpoint for conflict exacerbated by ethnic cleavages and waves of migration and return. 

Anuário Antropológico

Anuário Antropológico

Anuário Antropológico é uma revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade de Brasília (PPGAS/UnB). Publica artigos originais, ensaios bibliográficos, resenhas, críticas e outros textos de natureza acadêmica que apresentem pesquisas empíricas de qualidade, diálogos teóricos relevantes e perspectivas analíticas diversas. A Revista publica textos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês.Os artigos selecionados pela comissão editorial são submetidos a pareceristas externos em regime de anonimato.

Rural Development Centre


The Rural Development Centre (RUDEC) is a Community based Organization with a mission to promote Private/Public Partnership in the deep countryside of the South West Region of Cameroon. 

It was created in 1995 and filed for official approval in August, 2002 in accordance with Law No 92/006 of August 14th and its Decree of Implementation No. 92/455/PM of 23rd November 1992 in Cameroon relating to the creation of Cooperatives and Common Initiative Groups.

Instituto Socioambiental

O Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) é uma organização da sociedade civil brasileira, sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 1994, para propor soluções de forma integrada a questões sociais e ambientais com foco central na defesa de bens e direitos sociais, coletivos e difusos relativos ao meio ambiente, ao patrimônio cultural, aos direitos humanos e dos povos.


Editora UFS

Editora UFS
A Editora UFS, composta pelo Conselho Editorial e pela Coordenação Gráfica, tem como missão atuar na divulgação da produção cultural e científica tanto da comunidade universitária quanto da sociedade como um todo. Através do lançamento periódico de editais e da publicação de obras avulsas, esta Editora tem realizado um trabalho de divulgação de obras científicas e culturais produzidas por autores sergipanos e do restante do Brasil.


Sierra Leone Network on the Right to Food


The Sierra Leone Network on the Right to Food (SiLNoRF) was established in 2008 as an African civil society mechanism to work exclusively on right to food issues. It was created just after the establishment of the African Network on the Right to Food (ANoRF) in Cotonou in 2008. Following the Cotonou declaration of ANoRF, several Civil Society Organisations, NGOs, CBOs working in the areas of Human Rights Advocacy became members of SiLNoRF.

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