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Loi n° 2014-428 du 14 juillet 2014 portant statut des rois et chefs traditionnels de Côte d’Ivoire.

July, 2014
Côte d'Ivoire

La présente loi détermine le statut des Rois et Chefs, notamment les Rois; les Chefs de province ; les Chefs de canton; les Chefs de tribu et les Chefs de village Ils sont désignés suivant les us et coutumes dont ils relèvent et exercent leur autorité sur au moins un village. Par ailleurs, ce texte définit les privilèges; obligations, incompatibilités liés au statut des rois et chefs traditionnels. Cette loi institue une Chambre Nationale des Rois et Chefs traditionnels (CNRCT) regroupant l'ensemble des autorités traditionnelles susmentionnées.

Environment Dispute Mediation Act.

July, 1990
Republic of Korea

The purpose of this Act is to conserve the environment and to relieve damage to the health and property of citizens by providing for the procedure, etc. of good offices, mediation and adjudication regarding environmental disputes for the rapid, fair and efficient settlement of the environmental disputes.

Resolución Nº 100 - Modifica el Acuerdo Nº 20, que adopta el Programa de Adquisición de Bienes para el Fondo de la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Gestión de Restitución de Tierras Despojadas.

February, 2016

La presente Resolución adopta la metodología y parámetros técnicos para la formulación de los planes de adquisición de predios de conformidad con el Programa de Adquisición de Bienes para el Fondo de la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Gestión de Restitución de Tierras Despojadas, tomando como referencia las órdenes judiciales de compensación a víctimas y las medidas de atención a los segundos ocupantes reconocidos por sentencia judicial ejecutoriada.La metodología y parámetros técnicos para la formulación de los Planes de Adquisición de Predios, tienen los siguientes objetivos: 1) identif

Measures of of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for the Administration of Administrative Area Boundaries.

February, 2001

These Measures, consisting of 15 Articles, are formulated in order to strengthen the administration of administrative area boundaries at all levels in the autonomous region.The civil administration departments of the people's governments at all levels are the competent authorities for the management of administrative area boundaries. The governments of the two sides adjacent to the administrative boundaries shall not approve immigration, reclamation or all production activities harmful to the ecological environment at certain distances on both sides of the administrative boundaries.

Mediation Act, 2068 (2011).

May, 2011

This Act, consisting of 6 Chapters, may be called "Mediation Act, 2068. It establishes administative and legal proceedings related to any dispute that may be settled through mediation: In case, any agreement provides for the settlement of dispute through mediation, the dispute concerned with that agreement or a dispute arisen under that agreement shall be settled according to the procedure prescribed in the agreement, if any.

Spatial Information Infrastructure Act.

February, 2010

The purpose of the present Act is to establish a national spatial data infrastructure. The Act provides the legal framework for: 1) access to spatial data, spatial data and metadata services of spatial data holding agencies and 2) the use of such data and services, especially for measures which may have some impact on the environment.

Regulation to the Community Rights Law with Respect to Forest Lands (as amended).

December, 2010

This Regulation of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) implements provisions of the Community Rights Law of 2009 with Respect to Forest Lands ("Community Rights Law"), and determines the rules, guidelines and procedures for the establishment of authorized forest communities and to access, manage, use and the benefits of forest resources within the Republic of Liberia, and participation by communities in the reforestation, rehabilitation and conservation of forest and wildlife resources in Liberia.

Land Tax (Amendment) Act, 2017 (No. 3 of 2017).

January, 2017

This Act amends the Land Tax Act by inserting a new section 22A, which allows the Minister to delegate certain functions. The Minister may, by Order published in the Gazette, delegate to any Minister of State appointed to assist him, the exercise or performance of all or any of the powers or functions conferred upon the Minister under the provisions of this Act specified in this Act (The specified provisions are sections 3, 12, 21, 23A, 23B and 39).

Amends: Land Tax Act, 1982. (2001)

Law No. 976 establishing the Rural Land Policy and Rural Land Regularization in the State of Roraima.

July, 2014

This Law, consisting of 91 articles divided into twelve Chapters, establishes the Rural Land Policy and Rural Land Regularization in the State of Roraima. This Law provides for the policy on rural land regularization of land settlements within the State territory of Roraima.