LANDac Annual International Conference 2016
Large-scale land acquisition in the context of urban sprawl and climate change: Linking the Rural and the Urban
DFID's Land: Enhancing Governance for Economic Development (LEGEND) programme is promoting learning and innovation through 7 CSO-private sector partnerships in diverse agri-regions in 5 African countries; USAID and others are supporting similar initiatives. This side event will share and discuss early insights from these pilots and explore what can be achieved through these approaches:
Established in 2006, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is celebrating 12 years as an alliance of diverse global, regional and national partners that contribute to poverty alleviation and sustainable development through improvements to security of tenure and land governance. During this period, the Network has positively influenced the global security of tenure agenda and shifted the thinking towards pro-poor inclusive approaches. Practical tools have been developed and tested at country level, security of tenure improvements provided for everyday people in local communities, innovative projects delivered via the clusters and key stakeholder capacity strengthened to approach the challenges with knowledge and confidence.
In 2017, the fifth anniversary of the landmark Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGTs) highlighted successful integration of VGGT principles into national law and decision-making processes across several countries.
Around the world, insecure property rights prevent families from feeling confident about the future, businesses from investing, and communities from becoming more productive. Hundreds of millions of us lack property security. This makes the world poorer, less free, and less just.
Kick-off event: meet female land rights champions, make your work more effective and join the festive launch of a photo exhibition
How to support transformations that work for people and nature?
Due to the current COVID-19 situation, FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelled. However, the programme, all abstracts and both peer review and regular papers have been published in the FIG 2020 Working Week website. There might be some online webinars/meetings, which will be informed in the event website.