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Guyana Rice Supply Chain Risk Assessment

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
February, 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean

This report is the outcome of assessment and is intended as an advisory note to the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) to enable them to identify a strategy and potential public investments to improve current risk-management practices in the rice supply chain. This report identifies the major risks facing the rice supply chain, ranks them in terms of their potential impact and frequency, and offers a framework for improving current risk-management practices.

East Java Growth Diagnostic

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
February, 2011
Eastern Asia

East Java is the second largest contributor to Indonesia's economy with a growth rate similar to national level and other major provinces in Java. Nevertheless, for a province that is expected to be a major economic center in the country, there has been very little change in the region's economic structure in the past 10 years. Since 1995, the share of industry and agriculture in the economy is almost unchanged. Furthermore, the growth in both of these two sectors has been low, despite the fact that industry was once the main driver of the East Java economy.

Costing Adaptation through Local Institutions

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
February, 2011

In Ethiopia, village surveys were conducted in six villages and two expert workshops were organized to discuss the organization of the study and to evaluate the draft results. Based on household surveys, focus group discussions, and institutional stakeholder interviews, we assessed household vulnerability, analyzed the strategies households adopt to reduce the hazards faced, and evaluated the assistance households receive from institutions. Vulnerability profiles were formulated, which show that household vulnerability differs substantially among and within villages.

Evaluative Lessons for Agriculture and Agribusiness

Reports & Research
January, 2011

Agricultural investments made by developing countries and multilateral development banks (MDBs) have declined in recent decades. This decline is associated with a slowdown in the growth of agriculture productivity. Most development institutions have recognized the damage caused by this past neglect, in part evident in rising food prices, and renewed attention to agriculture and agribusiness is emerging. But this renewed interest will need to deliver results, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the MDBs have had the least success but where the needs and opportunities are enormous.

Preliminary evaluation of some aspects of the employment problems and policies in Africa LDCs

Reports & Research
January, 2011

This paper describes in Part I Overview of the Employment Situation Part II deals with the problem of labour absorption in the industrial sector while part III provides an account of labour absorption in agriculture. Part IV contains the conclusions and recommendations of the study.

Mitigating greenhouse gases in agriculture

January, 2011

Prepared by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, this in-depth report seeks to shed light on the climate mitigation potential of agriculture. It argues that with an increasing demand for food, global agriculture will soon become the dominant area of greenhouse emissions, with the two main sources being nitrous oxide from the soil and methane from animal farming (of particular concern as developing countries convert increasingly to a high-protein, 'western', diet). The scientific case for the significance of agricultural emissions is presented in parts one to six of the report.

Technologies for climate change adaptation: agriculture sector

January, 2011

The agriculture sector faces the challenge of providing adequate food to a growing world population. There is limited scope to expand arable land, and unpredictable weather, floods, and other disastrous events make food production even more challenging. This guidebook provides information on 22 technologies and options for adapting to climate change in the agriculture sector.

Agriculture and climate change: a scoping report

January, 2011

This scoping report provides context and analysis for addressing agriculture in international climate negotiations with the aim of informing climate negotiators and other stakeholders of different options and unpacking issues of interest. It observes that agriculture is characterised by a number of special features that distinguish it from other sectors, like producing food and meeting basic survival needs. Its context and site-specific nature makes uniform strategies and solutions ineffective and, unlike other sectors, it is directly affected by climate change.

What are the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI) and why do they matter?

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2011

This brief produced for the Dialogue Initiative on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and their Alternatives provides an overview of the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI), developed by the World Bank, FAO, UNCTAD and IFAD in response to calls for guidelines to regulate the phenomenon of large-scale investment in land, or land grabbing.