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Using a Gender-Responsive Land Rights Framework to Assess Youth Land Rights in Rural Liberia

Peer-reviewed publication
August, 2020
Costa Rica

This article summarizes the evidence on youth land rights in Liberia from a literature review combined with primary research from two separate studies: (1) A qualitative assessment conducted as formative research to inform the design of the Land Rights and Sustainable Development (LRSD) project for Landesa and its partners’ community level interventions; and (2) a quantitative baseline survey of program beneficiaries as part of an evaluation of the LRSD project. The findings are presented using a Gender-Responsive Land Rights Framework that examines youth land rights through a gender lens.

Social forestry and climate change in the ASEAN region: Situational analysis 2020

Reports & Research
August, 2020
South-Eastern Asia

Forests play a crucial role in the fight against global climate change. The communities that live in and around forests are well-placed to carry out climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) recognizes that social forestry enables communities to manage forests sustainably. It also helps them deliver on economic, social and environmental goals, including mitigation and adaptation. This has motivated ASEAN leaders to study and understand social forestry’s role in climate change and to strengthen its presence in the region.

Webinar Report: Multifaceted Challenges of Land and Climate Change

Reports & Research
July, 2020

The webinar Multifaceted Challenges of Land and Climate Change explored the interconnection of land rights and climate responses at micro, meso and macro level. The webinar aimed to explore the following question: What kind of land governance will foster adequate climate response actions? Oxfam and partners in many countries are confronted with this two-sided problem while dealing with both land and climate justice interventions. Oxfam is currently investing in deepening the analysis of land & climate nexus at both country and global level.

Women’s Land Rights and COVID-19

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2020

In the six months since the coronavirus began its global spread, more than 15 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and more than 600,000 have perished, causing governments around the world to institute lockdowns and shut down businesses while entire industries have been devastated.

Zimbabwe’s land reform compensation deal agreed at last

July, 2020

Pressures on land and natural resources are growing;and many communities affected by land rights violations struggle to assert their rights. In this interview Rachael Knight talks about how IIED’s legal tools team supports grassroots advocates and communities impacted by large-scale land acquisitions. Includes a 5.40 minute video on drafting community by-laws.

The gendered impacts of large-scale land based investments and women’s responses

Reports & Research
June, 2020

This scoping study analyses gendered impacts of large-scale extractives, hydropower and agribusiness investments that result in communities’ changed access to and control over land, water and other natural resources. Large-scale commercial pressures on natural resources have been on the rise over the course of the past decade leading to growing concerns on their costs, benefits and human rights impacts.

Land Portal Annual Report 2019

Reports & Research
June, 2020

The interrelationship between secure land rights and economic development has gained increasing recognition, as a driver of economic development around the world. For indigenous peoples and communities, women and other vulnerable groups, secure land rights are fundamental for reducing poverty and boosting their shared prosperity. However, two-thirds of the world’s population still does not have access to secure tenure.

Droits de propriété foncière des communautés locales et populations autochtones en République du Congo

Reports & Research
June, 2020

Ce rapport présente et analyse les dispositions internationales et nationales encadrant les droits de propriété foncière des communautés locales et populations autochtones en République du Congo.

Il s'agit d'un document à but éducatif visant à améliorer l'accès et la compréhension des lois congolaises.

Defending Tomorrow: The climate crisis and threats against land and environmental defenders

June, 2020

Aminata K Fabba is the Chairlady of the Malen Land Owners Association;(MALOA) and a frontline grassroots land rights defender in the southern provincial district of Pujehun. Describes her criticism of an unfair land agreement with SOCFIN details of which were not fully explained to the landholding families.

Caught in the Web of Bureaucracy? How ‘Failed’ Land Deals Shape the State in Tanzania

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa

After more than ten years of hectic debates on international ‘land grabs’, academic interest in collapsed land deals or projects with unexpected results is growing. According to the Land Matrix, Tanzania is one of the target countries for such deals, with a number ‘abandoned’ or delayed and projects whose status is unknown. Labelling land deals as ‘failed’ poses conceptual and methodological challenges as long as the criteria for ‘failure’ are undefined.

Implications of Customary Land Rights Inequalities for Food Security: A Study of Smallholder Farmers in Northwest Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2020

Inequalities in land rights exist globally, both in formal and customary settings. This is because land rights are either strong or weak, and held by various categories of people. The weaker variants of the inequalities tend to stifle tenure security, reduce land use, and threaten the food security of those dependent on the land for survival. This paper investigated the implications of customary land rights inequalities and varying tenure insecurity for food security among smallholder farmers in northwest Ghana.

The Nexus between Peri-Urban Transformation and Customary Land Rights Disputes: Effects on Peri-Urban Development in Trede, Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2020

Typically, peri-urban areas are havens and vulnerable receptors of customary land rights (CLRs) disputes due to the intrusion of urban activities or an uncoordinated mix of both. Although it is a dictum that CLRs cause setbacks to socioeconomic and spatial development, there seems to be a paucity of empirical studies on the effects of the CLRs disputes on the development of peri-urban areas, especially in developing countries, such as Ghana.