| Land Portal
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Journal Articles & Books
December 2018

The paper provides the analysis of improving the land reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors examine the main development stages of land ownership relations, during which the work has been performed to transform agricultural enterprises, privatize land and change the land use.

LANDac Annual Conference 2018: Conference Report cover image
Conference Papers & Reports
August 2018

The LANDac Conference 2018 looked at land governance through the lens of mobility. Land acquisitions trigger migration and yield other types of mobility such as capital, goods and ideas. Ensuing land claims raise new questions for land governance. So far, the discussion has focused on respecting land rights, informing local residents and offering fair compensation.

DRC Land Matrix cover image
Reports & Research
July 2018
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ce profil pays présente les données de la Land Matrix pour République Démocratique du Congo et inclut les acquisitions de terres à grande échellequi:

• consistent en des transferts du droit d’exploitation ou de contrôle des terres au moyen bail ou de la concession;

• couvrent des surfaces de 200 hectares ou plus;

• ont été initiées depuis l’année 2000;

The ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry
Manuals & Guidelines
May 2018

The ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry are part of a broad range of initiatives aimed at ensuring that investments in agriculture meet global standards and promote responsible and sustainable investment.

Reports & Research
April 2018
Central African Republic

We propose a theory of urban land use with endogenous property rights that applies to cities in developing countries. Households compete for where to live in the city and choose the property rights they purchase from a land administration which collects fees in inequitable ways. The model generates predictions regarding the levels and spatial patterns of residential informality in the city.

Reports & Research
April 2018

The fate of future generations of Georgians will be decided to start now. A girl born in Georgia today can expect to live for more than 86 years, to 2104. This girl, and her peers, will shape Georgia in the 21st century, but her future will also depend on the path that the country chooses today. What will her life look like when she becomes an adult?

Journal Articles & Books
March 2018

Urban and peri-urban land markets in rapidly expanding West African cities operate within and across different coexisting tenure regimes and involve complex procedures to obtain or make land available for housing. Because a structured framework lacks for the analysis of such systems, this book proposes a systemic approach and applies it to Bamako and its surrounding areas.

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