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Town and Country Planning (Hearings Procedure) (England) Rules 2000 (S.R. No. 1626 of 2000).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Rules regulate the procedure to be followed for hearings in England caused by the Secretary of State to be held before he or an inspector determines appeals made to him in relation to planning permission, listed building consent and consent for the demolition of unlisted buildings in conservation areas. Rule 4 provides for the preliminary procedure to be followed, in particular the information to be provided by a local planning authority, on receipt by it of a notice that a hearing is to be held.

Town and Country Planning (Inquiries Procedure) (England) Rules 2000 (No. 1624 of 2000).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Rules regulate the procedure to be followed in connection with local inquiries in England held by the Secretary of State before he determines applications referred to him, or appeals made to him, in relation to planning permission, listed building consent and consent for the demolition of unlisted buildings in conservation areas. Rule 4(4) requires local planning authorities to return their completed questionnaires to the Secretary of State within 2 weeks of the starting date.

Town and Country Planning Appeals (Determination by Inspectors) (Inquiries Procedure) (England) Rules 2000 (S.I. No. 1625 of 2000).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Rules regulate the procedure to be followed in connection with local inquiries in England held by inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State to determine appeals made to him in relation to planning permission, listed building consent and consent for the demolition of unlisted buildings in conservation areas. Rule 4(4) requires local planning authorities to return their completed questionnaires to the Secretary of State within 2 weeks of the starting date.

Planning (Control of Major-Accident Hazards) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 (S.R. No. 101 of 2000).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations are concerned with the implementation of Article 12 of Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances. The main provisions of Article 12 of the Directive are the requirement to ensure that the objectives of preventing major accidents and limiting their consequences are taken into account in land-use planning policies and that these objectives are pursued through controls.

Planning Applications (Exemption from Publication) Order (Northern Ireland) 1999 (S.R. No. 338 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

Article 2 of and the Schedule to this Order provide that applications for planning permission for development need not be published in the press in accordance with Article 21(1) of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991 where that development is: (a) of a class specified in the Schedule; and (b) not in a conservation area.. Article 3 of this Order revokes the Planning Applications (Exemption from Publication) Order (Northern Ireland) 1991.

Décret nº 2000-613 relatif à la protection des acquéreurs et propriétaires d'immeubles contre les termites.

Western Europe

Ce décret fixe les modalités de mise en application des dispositions de prévention et de lutte contre les termites et les autres insectes xylophages, prévues par la loi du 8 juin 1999 et organisées par les pouvoirs publics en vue de protéger les bâtiments. Les principales mesures de prévention et de lutte consistent en: l'obligation de déclarer la contamination, la délimitation de la zone contaminée, l'incinération ou le traitement des bois contaminés.

Roads (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 (S.R. No. 89 of 1998).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These regulations implement in Northern Ireland Council Directive 97/11/EC of the 3rd March 1997 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, in respect of those proposals to construct new roads and to improve roads to which the Directive The Department is required to determine the need to carry out an environmental assessment in respect of projects falling within Annex II of the amended Directive in accordance with a case-by-case examination or thresholds or criteria set by it taking account in any event of the relevant selection criteria set

Decree relative to impact assessment pursuant to Chapter VII-a of the Act relative to planning and construction.

Northern Europe

This Decree makes further provision for assessment on the environment, natural resources, and public health of operations covered by Act relative to planning and construction. Operations listed in Annex I shall always be accompanied by an impact assessment. Section 4 lists criteria for the application of the impact assessment requirement on operations listed in Annex II. One of the criteria is the potential harm an operation can do to a protected area.

Decreto Supremo Nº 24.124 - Plan de uso del suelo para el Departamento de Santa Cruz.

South America

El Decreto, que consta de 9 artículos, aprueba el Plan de uso del suelo para el Departamento de Santa Cruz. El plan establece las siguientes categorías generales de uso: a) tierras de uso agropecuario intensivo; b) tierras de uso agropecuario extensivo; c) tierras de uso agrosilvopastoral; d) tierras de uso forestal; e) tierras de uso restringido; e) áreas naturales protegidas (art. 2º).

Land Development and Control Regulations, 1996 (S.I. No. 20 of 1996).

Antigua and Barbuda

Every person who desires to undertake a development project must obtain a planning permission from the Authority before undertaking the development (comma. 1 of reg. 5). For purposes of paragraph 1, development projects shall be classified in accordance with paragraph 2 of regulation 5. Each application shall be accompanied by appropriate plans (comma. 1 of reg. 6). An application for a planning permission is not necessary for the development of land for agricultural purposes or for forestry (reg. 8).

Decree of the Prime Minister concerning the Appointment of the Land Remanagement Committee (Decree No. 42/PM).

South-Eastern Asia

The present Decree establishes the composition of the Land Remanagement Committee as well as its main duties, which cover the establishment of the policy for the management and use of the land and the organization of the activity of the Committee at the province and municipality level.

Draft Plans Regulations, 1995 (L. N. No. 12 of 1995).

Western Africa

Regulations relating to Draft Development Plans and Draft Local Plans. The 8 regulations are divided into 3 Parts: Preliminary (regs. 1 and 2); Form and Content of Draft Development Plans (regs. 3 to 5); Form and Content of Draft Local Plans (regs. 6 to 8). A Draft Development Plan shall contain a Proposals Map which shall indicate in general the proposed land use classes, transport and traffic routes, community facilities and utilities as conceived or recommended by the Plan for the plan period (reg. 4(1)).