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Public Lands Act (RSA 2000, c. P-40).

Northern America

An Act to provide for the classification and administration of public land, and to regulate use of and the disposal of such land and and the acquisition of other land and related matters. The Minister may by order made under section 10 classify public land and declare the use for which he considers different classes to be adaptable.

Assessment and Planning Appeal Board Act (RSNB 2011, c 114).

Northern America

The present Act lays down provisions relating to the establishment of a Planning Appeal Board. The Board is responsible for hearing property assessment appeals, appeals of land use and planning decisions from throughout New Brunswick and hearing appeals of local heritage review Boards decisions under the Municipal Heritage Preservation Act. The Board is comprised of 11 regional panels from around the province, each consisting of a common chairperson and two members appointed from the respective region. The text consists of 17 sections.

Implementing Law relating to the Land Consolidation Act of 14 July 1953 (BGBl. I p. 591).

Western Europe

The present Law provides for the implementation of the Federal Land Consolidation Act of 14 July 1953 (BGBl. I p. 591). In particular, article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that the supreme and superior authorities for land consolidation in Schleswig-Holstein are, respectively, the Agriculture, Environment and Rural Space Office, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Space.

Land Law No. 10/2013.

Macao S.A.R
Eastern Asia

This Land Law, consisting of 14 Chapters, divided into 223 articles, establishes the legal regime for land management, in particular for constitution, exercise, modification, transmission and extinction of the right of land use and exploitation within the State of the Special Administrative Region of Macau, (called RAEM).

Ley Nº 3/2013 - Ley de los Contratos y otras Relaciones Jurídicas Agrarias.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene por objeto las modalidades especiales del contrato de compraventa de la cosecha, la regulación de los derechos y obligaciones de las partes relativas al cultivo, recolección y al acceso a las fincas cuyas cosechas se han comprado, junto a la positivización y actualización de la costumbre.

Ley Nº 30.065 - Ley de Fortalecimiento de la Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto fortalecer la Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos (SUNARP), a fin de modernizar y mejorar la cobertura y calidad de sus servicios, implementando medidas efectivas de inclusión social, competitividad y eficiencia tecnológica en su prestación, de acuerdo a las nuevas demandas ciudadanas.

Planning and Development Act, 2007 (S.S. 2007, c. P-13.2).

Northern America

The purposes of this Act are the following: a) to establish the planning and development system in the province; b) to identify provincial interests that guide provincial and municipal planning decisions in the development of communities; c) to support the development of environmentally, economically, socially and culturally sustainable communities; d) to enable co-operation between municipalities, planning districts and other jurisdictions and agencies in the delivery of planning services and infrastructure development with communities; e) to provide for public participation in the plannin

Customary Law (Bikini Atoll) Act 1994.

Marshall Islands

This Act declares customary law pursuant to Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Marshall Islands in respect of right, title and interest in and to Bikini Atoll in the Ralik Chain. As a result of the circumstances attributed to the long time span of the legacy and influence of foreign domination, the customary law shall, have limited force and effect with respect to specified rights and activities.

Ley Nº 1.561 - Establece un proceso verbal especial para otorgar títulos de propiedad al poseedor material de bienes inmuebles urbanos y rurales de pequeña entidad económica.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto promover el acceso a la propiedad, mediante un proceso especial para otorgar título de propiedad al poseedor material de bienes inmuebles urbanos y rurales de pequeña entidad económica, y para sanear títulos que conlleven la llamada falsa tradición, con el fin de garantizar seguridad jurídica en los derechos sobre inmuebles, propiciar el desarrollo sostenible y prevenir el despojo o abandono forzado de inmuebles.

Ley Nº 5/2012 - Ley de mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley es de aplicación a las mediaciones en asuntos civiles o mercantiles, incluidos los conflictos transfronterizos, siempre que no afecten a derechos y obligaciones que no estén a disposición de las partes en virtud de la legislación aplicable. Se entiende por mediación aquel medio de solución de controversias, cualquiera que sea su denominación, en que dos o más partes intentan voluntariamente alcanzar por sí mismas un acuerdo con la intervención de un mediador.

Land Transfer Tax Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. L.6).

Northern America

This Act concerns the taxes related to the transfer of land. It covers assessment of taxes, their registration, collection and refund. Under section 9, records of every person required to file an affidavit or deliver a return under section 5 shall keep at their principal place of business documents, records and accounts in such form and containing such information as will enable an accurate determination of the taxes payable under this Act. Other provisions concern investigation (sect. 10), appeals (sect. 14), lien on real property (sect. 15) and dispute resolution (sect. 20).

Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986.


This Act, consisting of 110 Sections divided into twelve Parts and completed by one Schedule, regulates land acquisition for public purposes and related procedures, up to registration. The Act also covers compensation and the methods for the payment of compensation and interests on compensation. The Act also provides for the resolution of disputes related to land acquisition and compensation.

Implemented by: Land Acquisition and Compensation Regulations 2010. (2010-06-23)
Implemented by: Land Acquisition and Compensation Regulations 1998. (2004-07-01)