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Sale of Land Act 1962.


This Act, consisting of 52 Sections divided into three Parts and completed by two Schedules, regulates the sale and subdivision of land in the territory of Victoria. The Act includes also provisions on registration, dispute settlement, insurances and public auctions.

Implemented by: Sale of Land Regulations 2004. (2004-02-01)
Implemented by: Sale of Land Regulations, 2005. (2008-06-30)
Implemented by: Sale of Land (Public Auctions) Regulations 2014. (2014-10-01)

Lands, Planning and Mining Tribunal Act.


This Act establishes and regulates the operation of the Lands, Planning and Mining Tribunal. Functions of the Tribunal include: to hear and make recommendations about objections to the acquisition of land under the Lands Acquisition Act, to hear and determine claims for compensation, to hear and make recommendations about applications for the grant of mineral titles, to hear and make recommendations about objections by registered native title claimants and registered native title bodies corporate to the doing of prescribed mining acts.

Immovable Property (Sale of Interests) Act (Cap. 60:01).

South America

This Act provides for remedies in the case of disputes involving sale of an immovable common property that is undivided in shares. Any owner may request the Court to direct the sale of the property and the distribution of proceeds thereof. The Court shall have also discretion to direct a sale where sale is not requested by an owner of a moiety or upwards in accordance with section 4 (sect. 5). The Court may allow parties interested in the property to bid at the sale. Parties are allowed a partition suit. Section 8 regulates the relationship between this Act and other law. (10 sections)

Planning Act (R.S.P.E.I. 1988, c. P-8).

Northern America

The objectives of this Act include: to protect the unique environment of the province, to provide effective means for resolving conflicts respecting land use and to provide the opportunity for public participation in the planning process. It consists of 47 sections and is divided into seven Parts. Part II is dedicated to provincial planning and related processes, Part III to municipal planning, Part IV to the enforcement of the Act, Part V to appeals and Part VII covers major retail development.

Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (S.C. 2002, c. 10).

Northern America

Together with the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, the present Act establishes the Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal. The Tribunal is responsible for regulating entry and access to lands, for determining rights of, and compensation payable to, the titleholder and for determining the amount for wildlife compensation claims in the Nunavut Settlement Area. Section 14 establishes the Nunavut Water Board.

Affidavits of Prescription Act (Suspension of Certain Provisions) Act 2012 (No. 23 of 2012).

Eastern Africa

This Act amends the Affidavits of Prescription Act by providing for the suspension of sections 3, 4 and 6 to 9 of, and the Schedules to, the principal Act and provides for the circumstance where notice of an application has been published in accordance with section 4(2) of the principal Act and an objection may be made in the manner specified in section 6(1).

Amends: Affidavits of Prescription Act. (2009-12-19)

Limitation of Actions Act (Cap. 22).

Eastern Africa

This Act concerns limitations applying to legal action such as actions of contract and tort; actions to recover land, registered title and rent; actions to recover money secured by a mortgage or charge or to recover proceeds of the sale of land; actions in respect of trust property or movable property of deceased person; and actions against the government and public authorities, etc. The Act also concerns the application of limitation law to arbitration, the acquisition of easements and registration of title to land or easement acquired under Act.

Loi N°43/2013 du 16/06/2013 portant régime foncier au Rwanda.

Eastern Africa

La présente loi comprend 74 articles repartis en 7 chapitres,notamment les dispositions générales(I); la catégorisation des terres(II); administration et gestion des terres(III); droits et obligations fonciers (IV); prescription(V); sanctions pénales, mesures et sanctions administratives (VI); dispositions diverses,transitoires et finales(VII).Elle détermine les modalités d’allocation, d’acquisition,d’usage et de gestion des terres au Rwanda.Elle établit également les principes applicables aux droits reconnus sur l’ensemble des terres situées sur le territoire du Rwanda, ainsi que tous les

Assessment Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 20).

Northern America

The present Act lays down provisions relating to assessment of property in the province of British Columbia. Section 18 establishes that all land and improvements in British Columbia are liable to assessment under the present Act unless exempted under this or another enactment. In particular, Part 3 deals, inter alia, with special valuation rules for dams, power plants and substations, valuation rules for designated port land, as well as with classification of land as a farm and classification and valuation of forest land.

Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act, 2007.

Western Africa

This Act concerns the rights in and management of mineral resources in Nigeria. It provides rules for exploration and exploitation of resources and for the protection of the environment. It also concerns possession of mining material, small-scale mining and the protection of interests of host communities, provides incentives for mining operations and defines offences.“Minerals” excludes petroleum but includes water with mineral content. The Act establishes within the Ministry the Mines Inspectorate Department and the Mines Environmental Compliance Department and defines their functions.