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Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement among the Tlicho and the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada.

Northern America

The present Agreement is the first combined land, resources and self-government Agreement in the Northwest Territories. Canada, the Government of the Northwest Territories(GNWT) and the Tlicho are Parties to the Agreement. The Agreement provides the Tlicho with ownership of a single block of 39,000 square kilometres of land, including subsurface resources, adjacent to or surrounding the four Tlicho communities. The Agreement also provides for self-government. A regional Tlicho Government was created with law-making authority over Tlicho Citizens in their communities and on their lands.

Política Nacional de la Quinua.

National Policies
South America

Este documento tiene por objeto la Política Nacional de la Quinua, un instrumento de cobertura nacional cuyo objetivo general consiste en promover, fomentar e implementar el desarrollo sostenible y sustentable del complejo productivo de la quinua, articulando a los actores productivos, para conformar entramados productivos integrados, articulados y diversificados, con la participación de los actores en procesos de producción, beneficiado, transformación e industrialización y comercialización, todo ello para alcanzar la seguridad alimentaria con soberanía nacional.

Medium Term Agriculture Sector Investment Plan (METASIP), 2011-2015.

National Policies
Western Africa

The present Medium Term Agriculture Sector Investment Plan (METASIP), 2011 is informed by the following vision: “a modernised agriculture culminating in a structurally transformed economy and evident in food security, employment opportunities and reduced poverty”.Chapter 2 provides a summary review of the performance of the agriculture sector, including trends in crop production and productivity, livestock and fish production, imports and exports of agricultural commodities, and nutrition levels.

Le Programme d’Action National aux fins de l’Adaptation (PANA).

National Policies
Central African Republic
Middle Africa

Face aux changements climatiques avec des conséquences négatives sur la croissance et le développement, la République Centrafricaine (RCA) a élaboré le Programme d’Action National aux fins de l’Adaptation (PANA) basée sur une approche participative. Son objectif est de contribuer à atténuer les effets néfastes des changements climatiques sur les populations les plus vulnérables, dans la perspective d’un développement durable.

Plan National Multi Risques de Préparation et de Réponse aux Catastrophes

National Policies
Western Africa

Face aux difficultés liées à la lenteur des réponses, la faible mobilisation des ressource, et la faiblesse des mécanismes de coordination dans la gestion des catastrophes (inondations, déficit pluviométrique, déforestation et désertification, invasion acridienne, crises humanitaires, crises épidémiques-cholera, épizooties, et mouvement de population), le Mali a, à travers, la plate-forme de réduction des risques de catastrophe, élaboré un Plan national de contingence multirisques de préparation et de réponse aux catastrophes, dont le but principal est de permettre au pays de disposer d'un

Rural Development Policy and Strategies.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The present Rural Development Policy and Strategies underscores one basic objective with regard to economic development, i.e. to build a market economy in which: i) a broad spectrum of the Ethiopian people are beneficiaries; ii) dependence on food aid is eliminated; and, iii) rapid economic growth is assured. Given the dominance of agriculture in the Ethiopian economy, i.e. agriculture contributes to about 80% of employment, the rural development effort is presently associated with agricultural development.Part Two focuses on “Rural and Agricultural Development Policies and Stragtegies".

Food Security Strategy.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The present Food Security Strategy (FSS) updates the original one of 1996 by sharpening the strategic elements to address food insecurity based on lessons learned. In recognition that the pursuit of food security is a long-term and multi-sector challenge, institutional strengthening and capacity building is included as a central element of the Strategy.

Arrêté du 15 avril 1946 relatif à l'aménagement sylvo-pastoral des massifs forestiers.

Northern Africa

Cet arrêté prévoit un plan d'aménagement sylvo-pastoral des massifs forestiers comportant: la détermination des zones ouvertes au pâturage, des zones de mise en défens, un règlement d'exploitation, des mesures culturales pour la restauration ou l'amélioration des pâturages.

Acuerdo Nº 14/11 - Manual de la Estrategia Nacional de Manejo de Cuencas.

Central America

El presente documento es una estrategia sectorial, de alcance nacional y con un horizonte temporal que abarca el período 2011-2022, cuyo objetivo es el de contar con el 100 por ciento de las cuencas hidrográficas prioritarias bajo régimen de manejo integral, a través de la armonización y coordinación interinstitucional e involucrando los entes de la sociedad civil.

Decreto Nº 37.623/PLAN/MINAET/MIVAH - Oficializa la Política Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial 2012-2040.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Decreto oficializa, para efectos de aplicación obligatoria, la Política Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial 2012-2040 (PNOT), que busca integrar un marco de objetivos comunes entre una serie de actores institucionales y al mismo tiempo, constituir una guía para la planificación estratégica del territorio costarricense. El ordenamiento territorial es la expresión espacial de las políticas sociales, ambientales y económicas.