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Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the incineration of waste.

Eastern Europe
Northern Europe

A high level of environmental protection and human health protection requires the setting and maintaining of stringent operational conditions, technical requirements and emission limit values for plants incinerating or coincinerating waste within the Community. The aim of this Directive is to prevent or reduce negative effects on the environment, particularly emissions into air, soil, surface water, as well as the resulting risks to human health which might arise from incineration and coincineration of waste.

Forest, Soil and Water Conservation Ordinance.


The Governor shall appoint a Chief Forest Officer (sect. 3). The Governor may appoint forest officers (sec.4). The Agricultural Superintendent and other specified officials shall be ex-officio Forest Officers (sect. 5). The Governor in Council may declare any area of Crown land to be a forest reserve (sect. 6) or to be a prohibited area (sec.13) or declare any area on private land to be a protected forest (sect. 7). Section 8 specifies prohibited activities. Owners of land which is declared a protected forest may be compensated (sect. 11).

Land Use Planning Act.

Western Europe

The main aim of the present Act is to ensure that the entire territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and the related regions shall be developed, organized and protected by general regional plans. In so doing 1) differing requirements shall be harmonized and related conflicts shall be solved at local planning level; 2) provisions shall be made regarding specific activities and individual land uses. The text consists of 23 articles divided into 4 subdivisions as follows: General provisions (I).

Environmental Management Act ([SBC 2003] Chapter 53).

Northern America

A piece of basic legislation in the field of environmental management. The text consists of 179 sections divided into 12 Parts as follows: Introductory provisions (1); Prohibitions and authorizations (2); Municipal waste management (3); Contaminated site remediation (4); Remediation of mineral exploration sites and mines (5); Clean air provisions (6); Powers in relation to managing the environment (7); Appeals (8); Compliance (9); General (10); Transitional provisions and consequential amendments (11).

Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant le règlement flamand relatif à l'assainissement du sol.

Western Europe

Cet arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant le règlement flamand relatif à l'assainissement du sol est formé par 45 articles répartis en 8 chapitres: Définitions (I); Etablissements et activités pouvant engendrer une pollution du sol (II); Agrément d'experts en assainissement du sol (III); Registre des terrains pollués et attestations du sol (IV); Normes d'assainissement du sol et valeurs de fond (V); Procédures d'appel visées dans le décret (VI); Sûretés financières (VII); Dispositions finales (VIII). Sont jointes 6 annexes à cet arrêté.

Resolution of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 1 February 1993 on a Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development - A Europe...

Eastern Europe
Northern Europe

The Council and the representatives of the Member States adopted this Resolution in order to approve the general approach and strategy of the programme 'Towards sustainability' presented by the Commission. As a result, a European Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development is hereby laid down. The programme deals with a number of issues in connection with the sustainable development topic.

Decision No. 1866/QD-TTg approving the master plan on Da Nang city’s socio-economic development through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Da Nang city.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; protection, development and rational exploitation of forest resources; control of environmental pollution; development of water supply, drainage and irrigation systems; and land use and urban planning.

Decision No. 1890/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Kan province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Bac Kan province.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; development of industrial and semi-industrial rearing farms; protection, development and rational exploitation of forest resources; control of environmental pollution; development of water supply, drainage and irrigation systems; and land use and urban planning.

Regulations of Hainan Special Economic Zone on forest land administration.

Eastern Asia

The purpose of these Regulations is to strengthen the protection and management of forest land, rationally develop and utilize forest resources, promote sustainable economic and social development. The Text consists of 44 articles divided into 6 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Forest Land Tenure Management (II); Forest Land Protection and Utilization (III); Forest Land Expropriation and Occupation (IV); Legal Liability (V); Supplementary Provisions (VI).Forest land belongs to the State and collectives.

Mémorandum d'entente entre le Gouvernement de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire et le Gouvernement de la République portugaise dans le domaine de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'environnement, signé e Alger, le 10 mars 2015.

International Conventions or Treaties
Southern Europe
Northern Africa

Ce Mémorandum d’entente vise à promouvoir la coopération en matière d’aménagement du territoire (ingénierie du territoire; l’attractivité du territoire; les mécanismes d’évaluation des instruments d’aménagement du territoire) et de l’environnement (la gestion des déchets urbains et industriels; la promotion des technologies de productions propres; la promotion des emplois verts; la conservation de la biodiversité et des sols; la restauration des habitats naturels dégradés et l’ingénierie verte; l’adaptation aux changements climatiques; la valorisation et l’aménagement intégré des zones de M