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Conocimientos tradicionales Ticuna en la agricultura de chagra y los mecanismos innovadores para su protección

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2012

La vinculación de los pueblos indígenas al mercado global es una realidad y en ella se configuran estrategias de apropiación del conocimiento tradicional, sin que medie norma alguna que permita restituir los derechos que ostentan los poseedores de dichos conocimientos, en tanto que las poblaciones indígenas vienen solicitando un sistema sui generis para su protección y vinculación equitativa en dichos mercados.

Regional approaches to food and water security in the face of climate challenges

January, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

A workshop held in Midrand, South Africa, in May 2011 brought together policy and decision-makers, researchers and practitioners to discuss water security issues in eastern and southern Africa. This proceedings document summarises the workshop's outcomes with the aim of:

improving the understanding of water security
identifying opportunities to better address challenges faced by individual countries and sectors
highlighting areas for further research
identifying immediate opportunities for development projects.

Enhancing resilience in the Horn of Africa: an exploration into alternative investment options

January, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

This discussion paper seeks to explore alternative investment options with the aim of enhancing resilience in the Horn of Africa. Climate change, conflict, drought and increasing populations are leading many to pessimistic conclusions regarding the future viability of pastoral farming, arguing that these livelihoods should be sedentarised and diversified. Simultaneously, others argue for their wholesale protection.

Advocating for Effective Regulations for the Cashew Nut Industry in Tanzania

Reports & Research
December, 2011

The assessment of the policies, strategies, legislation, regulation and functioning of the cashew market in Tanzania is framed within the impact of the overall competitiveness of the sector. In doing so it is important to recognise that the cashew sector throughout Africa is in fact two chains which do not always operate in a cohesive manner but which are really only linked at one end the farm gate and at the other on the retail shelf.

Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania

Reports & Research
December, 2011

This appendix takes output from the production and investment model and sets out further detail on the development profiles of each of the six clusters, providing projections of on-farm investment, last mile infrastructure, and necessary supporting agriculture and backbone infrastructure. From this, it details the resulting gross revenue and developmental impact of that investment

Relatório de Monitoria de Boa Governação na Gestão Ambiental e dos Recursos Naturais em Moçambique (2010 – 2011)

Reports & Research
December, 2011

O Centro Terra Viva – Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental (CTV) é uma instituição não governamental moçambicana que trabalha na área de Advocacia Ambiental e Boa Governação, cujos objectivos principais são: promover maior justiça, equidade e sustentabilidade no uso e aproveitamento de recursos naturais, com maior incidência para o sectores de terra, florestas, pesca e turismo e influenciar na criação de mecanismos de avaliação e desempenho da legislação ambiental e monitorar a responsabilidade social do Estado e do sector privado.

Los estrechos vínculos entre el derecho a la alimentación y el derecho al agua

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

El presente trabajo parte afirmando que el acceso al agua potable, por si mismo, es indispensable para vivir dignamente; pero además que es necesario garantizar un acceso sostenible a los recursos hídricos para asegurar el derecho a una alimentación adecuada, por cuanto esta depende, en gran medida, de la sustentabilidad de la producción pesquera y agrícola.