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Le présent arrêté porte sur l’opération d’expropriation relative à la réalisation du projet d’adduction des eaux de mer dessalées pour l’alimentation en eau potable de la wilaya de Relizane à partir d’un réservoir de 10.000 m3 situé dans la wilaya de Mostaganem.


This Act provides with respect to the registration and functioning of Estate Administrators and for this purpose establishes the Council of Estate Administrators and the Estate Administrators Compensation Fund.The Council is established as a body corporate and shall, among other things, regulate…


This Act establishes the Urban Development Corporation, defines its functions and powers and provides with respect to organization and financing of the Corporation.The operations of the Corporation shall be controlled by the Urban Development Board. The Corporation shall be instrumental in the…


A Proclamation to provide for the utilization of urban land. Urban land is defined as all land within the boundaries of a town (sect. 2). The Proclamation shall not apply to land previously utilized for the construction of dwellings (sect. 3). Section 4 provides for applications of persons who…


This Act provides with respect to the administration of estates of deceased persons and the depository of wills. The High Court shall have jurisdiction in all matters relating to probate and the administration of deceased's estates, with power to grant probates of wills and letters of…


"Occupation" is defined in section 2 as "actual and bona fide farming by cultivation or with stock". Section 3 specifies terms on which conditions in title deeds in land regarding occupation shall be deemed to be satisfied. Such criteria regard construction of permanent…


The Act makes provision for the Agricultural Land Settlement Board and for the lease of agricultural land by public authorities in the framework of development of agriculture and the control on the use of land.The 53 sections of this Act are divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Agricultural…


This Act concerns rural land. The Act consists of 15 sections divided into 4 Parts: Preliminary (I); Acquisition and Alienation of State Land (II); Occupation of Land by Person Other Than Owner Not Involving Subdivision (III); General (IV).Communal land and other specified types of land are…


This Act concerns the appointment of traditional leaders and local government in Zimbabwe, in particular with regard to land and water.The Act provides for the appointment of Chiefs, Headmen and Village Heads. These local officers shall have a wide range of powers in the field of local…


Le présent décret a pour objet de fixer l'organisation et les attributions de l'inspection des services des domaines et de la conservation foncière.
Met en oeuvre: Décret exécutif n° 91-65 portant organisation des services extérieurs des domaines et de la conservation foncière. (…


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Eight Schedule made under section 45A (3). This provision prescribes that a deed of transfer referred to in the Eighth Schedule shall be exempt from duty or taxes leviable under the appropriate Part or Parts specified in that…


The Act consists of 55 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Town and Country Planning Tribunal (II); Development Plans (III); Procedure for the preparation and submission of development plans and their modification and extension (IV); Permission required for development and…