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This Proclamation of the Afar National Regional State establishes a rural land administration system that is suitable for natural resource management and protection and that incentivizes investment within the traditional clan-based communal land tenure system. Laws that pertain to lands…


Le présent décret fixe les modalités d'application de la loi n° 85/9 du 4 Juillet 1985, notamment la procédure d'expropriation et celle d'indemnisation.
Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 85-09 relative à l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique et aux modalités d'…


These Rules amend the Government Lands (Fees) Rules, 1994 in relation with fees for various official acts done under the Government Lands Act. The fees shall be levied under Part X of the Act.
Amends: Government Lands (Fees) Rules, 1994 (Cap. 280). (2012-12-31)


This Act makes provision with respect to local government in Zimbabwe and related matters such as cooperation between authorities. The Act, among other things, defines functions and powers of councils of local authorities, provides with respect their organization and to land vested in local…


This Act makes provision with respect to the recognition of tribes and certain matters regarding the administration of tribes, i.e. the institution of traditional leadership by a person designated by the tribe and recognized by the Minister.The Act, among other things, sets out the procedures…


The Act makes provision for the establishment, functions and powers, organization, etc. of the National Environment Commission, the Department of Environment and other public bodies involved in the administration of environmental affairs, for the pollution prevention measures and environmental…


La présente loi crée les provinces de Bujumbura, Bururi et Rumonge et en fixe les délimitations et le Chefs-lieux.


This Act provides for the establishment of the National Environmental Council, the Environmental Management Agency, Environment Management Board, the Standards and Enforcement Committee and the Environment Fund, provides for the formulation of environmental quality standards and environmental…


This Act amends provisions of the Expropriation Act 1975 relating to the determination of the amount to be added to the amount payable as market value in respect of expropriated land; to provide that certain rules applying in a provincial division of the Supreme Court in respect of the charging…


This Act amends the Expropriation Act of 1975 so as to further define the expression "Minister" in section 16 (4); to regulate the application of the said Act in relation to the expropriation of property by a provincial administration or a local authority for the construction of a…


Le présent Arrêté réglemente les substances Chimiques Nocives ou dangereuses (SCND) répertoriées dans les Listes A et B jointes en annexes conformément aux dispositions du Décret n° 904/PR/PM/MEERH/20009 du 06 août 2009 portant réglementation des pollutions et des nuisances l'environnement…


This Act provides for the establishment of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority, the administration of matters of agriculture and the preservation, utilization and development of agricultural land and related matters."Agriculture" in this Act means cultivation of land and the…