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This Ministerial Order approves the Directive on land expropriation, as established by Regulation on Land Use Management.
Implements: Decree No. 23/2008 approving the Regulation on Land Use Management. (2008-07-01)


The aim of the Act is to provide a uniform intestate succession Law applying throughout the country; to make adequate financial and other provisions for the surviving spouse, children, dependants and other relatives of an intestate; to provide for the administration of the estates of persons…


This Ordinance declares all lands on Ascension to be Crown lands and requires the Governor to prepare and publish a policy to secure a consistent and transparent process for granting rights of occupancy in relation to land on Ascension and for the control of the use of land. The Ordinance also…


At the commencement of this Act, all trust land situated in a township must vest in the municipality of the area where such land is situated, subject to the continued existence of any registered or registrable rights of a person in or over a piece of land in the township. Trust land in the…


La présente loi fixe le cadre juridique général de gestion de l’environnement au Togo. Elle vise à : -préserver et gérer durablement l’environnement; - garantir, à tous les citoyens, un cadre de vie écologiquement sain et équilibré; - créer les conditions d’une gestion rationnelle et durable des…


This Act principally makes provision for the making and registration of deeds regarding land and other real rights, for rights in land such as lease and servitude and for the transfer of land.The Act consists of 88 section divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Registration…


Le présent décret modifie et de compléter certaines dispositions des articles 2, le dernier tiret de l’article 8, 13, 14, 17, 19 du décret exécutif n° 91-65 du 2 mars 1991 portant organisation des services extérieurs des domaines et de la conservation foncière.Par ailleurs, il est inséré dans…


This Act makes provision for local government in Ghana and the promotion, conservation and development of customary law.There shall be a National House of Chiefs, which shall be instrumental in the development and conservation of law relative to chieftaincy and customary law. There shall also be…


This Act provides for the expropriation and taking for use of land and other property (movable or immovable), by the Minister of Public Works or by certain local authorities, for public and certain other purposes. Notice of expropriation to owners as well as offers of compensation must be made.…


La présente ordonnance fixe l'organisation, le fonctionnement du Gouvernement, les modalités pratiques de collaboration entre le Président de la République et le Gouvernement ainsi qu'entre les Membres du Gouvernement.Par ailleurs, dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la politique…


Le présent décret modifie et remplace les dispositions de l’article 48 du décret n° 2000-089 du 17 juillet 2000.Aux termes de l’article 48 nouveau, les personnes physiques ou morales, ayant acquis sur la base de permis d’occuper un ou plusieurs terrains par achat, échange ou cession gratuite,…


This Act provides for the recovery of private and public property from public officers that acquired such property by illegal practices making use of their office. "Property" for purposes of this Act includes land. For the purpose of ascertaining whether any public officer: (a) has…