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These Regulations contain forms for the application under paragraph 61(5)(a) of the Native Title Act, 1993: native title determination application - claimant application (form 1); native title determination application - non-claimant application (2); revised native title determination…


This Act empowers the Minister to, upon request of the Council for an Aboriginal Reserve, declare the reserve to be an Islander Reserve to which this Act applies (sect. 5). Section 6 provides for the Declaration of Aboriginal Councils or Island Councils for the purposes of this Act. The Council…


The objects of this Act are: (a) to provide for the protection of the environment, especially those aspects of the environment that are matters of national environmental significance; (b) to promote ecologically sustainable development through the conservation and ecologically sustainable use of…


The principal Act is further amended by deleting section 4 and substituting the following new-section therefor: A decision of the Referee shall be final: provided that any person aggrieved by the decision as being erroneous in point of law may appeal to the Supreme Court within 30 days of the…


This Act prescribes that the Valuer-General shall keep a register to be called the "Register of Land Valuers". Information set out in section 2 shall be registered. Conditions for registration are set out in section 3. The Valuer-General shall issue a certificate of registration to a…


Plant quarantine fees payable in respect of plant quarantine and phytosanitary services as set out under Column I in Part A shall be at the rates specified against such service under Column II in Part A of the Schedule. Animals and animal products fees payable in respect of the services set out…


The amendments concern crown easements over Crown land and special leases that may limit or exclude trespass rights. Further amendments concern bringing down of interests and cancel restrictions on acquisition of land.
Amends: Land Act 1948 (No. 64 of 1948). (2013-12-18)


The object of this Act is to ensure, as soon as it is practicable to do so, that, notwithstanding the uncertainty that has arisen in relation to the effectiveness of the acquisition of the relevant land by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition Act in 1978, that land is vested in the…


Section 3 provides for the validation of invalid planning instruments. Any proceedings in any court (including the proceedings in relation to: (a) any of the planning instruments in so far as they apply to the relevant land (whether or not the instruments apply to any other land); (b) any…


The general object of this Act is to establish a process for investigating and (where appropriate) remediation of land areas where contamination presents a significant risk of harm to human health or some other aspect of the environment. Particular objects of this Act are: (a) to set out…


This Act provides for the management of community, precinct and neighbourhood schemes, for matters relating association property and for resolving of disputes relating to a community scheme. Part 2 concerns the constitution and management of associations incorporated under the Community Land…


The object of this Act is to facilitate the subdivision of land into parcels for separate development or disposition: (a) with an interest in associated land in the nature of common or shared property, and (b) with or without further subdivision (including a subdivision under the Strata Schemes…