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Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2011

Great share of rented land in total utilised area as well as a significant variability of land rent and market prices of land causes a need of research that would assess which factors influence the land rent as well as the price of land and how significant such factor are in each state. The…

Reports & Research
December 2010

The state of Mato Grosso in Brasil faces environmental challenges since agricultural developments threaten biodiversity and other environmental values. The mission of the state university of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT) is to contribute to the knowledge needed for the sustainable development of the…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

It is now widely accepted that agricultural intensification drives the decline of biodiversity and related ecosystem services like pollination. Conservation management, such as agri-environment schemes (AES), has been introduced to counteract these declines, but in Western European countries…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

The impacts of agricultural practices and landscape composition on bee communities were investigated in 14 sites located in four Western European countries (Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland). Standardized interviews with farmers assessed agricultural practices in terms of…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

Spatial planning aimed at multifunctional agriculture can be seen as a negotiation process on environmental, social and economic aspects of land use. Complexity arises due to the high number of stakeholders and due to the limited knowledge, which is often organized along disciplinary divides.…

Reports & Research
December 2010

In de periode mei-augustus 2009 zijn steekmuggen gemonitord in de waterbergingsgebieden Peize en Roden-Norg; larven en poppen op 40 locaties en volwassen steekmuggen op acht locaties. Beide levensstadia zijn gemonitord volgens een gestandaardiseerde methode. De monitoring liet zien dat er…

Reports & Research
December 2010

De realisatie van de Ecologische Hoofdstructuur in de Provincie Noord-Holland ligt achter op schema. Hierom hebben Gedeputeerde Staten van Noord-Holland besloten te onderzoeken of via een herbegrenzing een groter deel van de EHS nog is te realiseren. De gebieden die in aanmerking komen voor…

Reports & Research
December 2010

This report examines the role of European Union (EU) member States, both collectively and individually, in the current reported wave of foreign land investment in Africa that has led to the current use of the term ‘land grabbing’.It discusses whether this role is consistent with the EU’s…

Reports & Research
December 2010

Het gebied Het Groene Woud bestaat voornamelijk uit zandgronden en zal daardoor vooral met toenemende droogte te maken krijgen. In natuurgebieden zal door de verwachte temperatuurstoename ook het verdwijnen van koudeminnende soorten een toenemend probleem vormen. Om het gebied klimaatbestendiger…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

Windturbines middenin natuurgebieden lijken in Nederland thans nog ver weg en is nog een beetje thinking the unthinkable. In rechtsliteratuur en jurisprudentie van sommige Angelsaksische landen is het evenwel reeds breed geaccepteerd. Zo hebben windturbines in natuur volgens de Australische…