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Reports & Research
October 2016

While scholars long recognized the importance of land markets as a key driver of rural non-farm development and transformation in rural areas, evidence on the extent of their operation and the nature of participants remains limited. We use household data from 6 countries to show that there is…

Journal Articles & Books
October 2016

While scholars long recognized the importance of land markets as a key driver of rural non-farm development and transformation in rural areas, evidence on the extent of their operation and the nature of participants remains limited. We use household data from 6 countries to show that there is…

Reports & Research
October 2016

The contribution of women to labor in African agriculture is regularly quoted in the range of 60–80%. Using individual, plot-level labor input data from nationally representative household surveys across six Sub-Saharan African countries, this study estimates the average female labor share in…

Journal Articles & Books
October 2016

The contribution of women to labor in African agriculture is regularly quoted in the range of 60–80%. Using individual, plot-level labor input data from nationally representative household surveys across six Sub-Saharan African countries, this study estimates the average female labor share in…

Journal Articles & Books
September 2016

Les terres arides couvrent près de la moitié de la surface terrestre et abritent un tiers de la population mondiale. Elles sont confrontées à des défis hors du commun, notamment ceux posés par la désertification, la perte de biodiversité, la pauvreté, l’insécurité alimentaire et les changements…

Reports & Research
September 2016

وسيؤثر تغري املناخ عىل األنظمة الغذائية عرب العامل مامل تتخذ إجراءات من شأنها جعل الزراعة أكرث استدامة وإنتاجية وقادرة. وتزداد الكوارث الطبيعية، والتي يتفاقم العديد منها نتيجة تغري املناخ، يف تواترها وحدتها. وستعثو هذه األحداث التي تنشا فجأة مثل االحرتار وارتفاع مستوى البحر، فسادا يف األنظمة…

Policy Papers & Briefs
September 2016

No.7 issue of the Rangelands Series goes through experiences of joint village land use agreements and planning.

A participatory, integrated approach to planning is required to build the resilience of dryland communities and the environment in which they live. This involves issues of scale…

Journal Articles & Books
August 2016

The year 2016 marks 15 years since the new wave land reforms became operational in Tanzania. Despite its ambitious goals – encouraging land registration and titling, and empowering women and other vulnerable groups – the results are disillusioning. A brief overview of 15 years of implementation…

Reports & Research
August 2016

Trees on farms are often overlooked in agricultural and natural resource research and policy in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper addresses this gap using data from the Living Standards Measurement Study–Integrated Surveys on Agriculture in five countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, and…

Policy Papers & Briefs
August 2016

Trees on farms are often overlooked in agricultural and natural resource research and policy in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper addresses this gap using data from the Living Standards Measurement Study–Integrated Surveys on Agriculture in five countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, and…