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Policy Papers & Briefs
January 2012

This Issue Paper No.2 is part of the series Making Rangelands Secure, a learning initiative supported by ILC, IFAD, RECONCILE, IUCN-WISP and Procasur. The Making Rangelands Secure Initiative has been established by a group of organisations seeking to improve security of rights to rangelands. The…

January 2012

The Tanzanian government has put agriculture at the forefront of its development agenda through its “kilimo kwanza” (agriculture first) initiative, which was established in 2009. For a country like Tanzania, which is gifted with a rich diversity of natural and human resources and has a…

Reports & Research
December 2011

In an effort to inform strategic options to improve agricultural productivity, we examine the impact of social service expenditures on the marginal productivity of agricultural inputs. Increasing agricultural productivity is often advocated as a way to reduce poverty, especially in sub-Saharan…

Reports & Research
December 2011

A paper on the value chain analyis in the SAGCOT region.

Reports & Research
December 2011

Study map irrigation sytems and water usage in Usagu for SAGCOT projects

Reports & Research
December 2011

Environmental Management and Climate Change as mainstreamed in the SAGCOT

Reports & Research
December 2011

This paper details different production and investment models that are used within the SAGCOT area.

Reports & Research
December 2011

The paper highlights different early win opportunites for investors  specific in the SAGCOT region

Reports & Research
December 2011

This appendix takes output from the production and investment model and sets out further detail on the development profiles of each of the six clusters, providing projections of on-farm investment, last mile infrastructure, and necessary supporting agriculture and backbone infrastructure. From…

Reports & Research
December 2011

The assessment of the policies, strategies, legislation, regulation and functioning of the cashew market in Tanzania is framed within the impact of the overall competitiveness of the sector. In doing so it is important to recognise that the cashew sector throughout Africa is in fact two chains…

December 2011

This comparative study highlights that rainfall variability and food insecurity are key drivers for human mobility. The empirical research is based on eight country case studies, including a 1,300 household survey and participatory research sessions involving 2,000 individuals. The results…