Groupe de Recherches et d'Echanges Technologiques (GRET) (French, Group For Research and Technology Exchanges) is a non-governmental association supporting international cooperation, professional solidarity and poverty reduction in the countries of Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. It was established in the late 1970s.
Its activities include implementation of field projects, expertise, studies, research, running information and exchange networks. The main spheres of attention are:
- Access to Essential Services
- Sustainable Food and Agriculture
- Institutional Development, Actors, Territories
- Information and Communication for Development
- Microfinance and Small Enterprise
- Public Policies and International Regulations.
The Association is financed mainly by the European Union, the World Bank, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Development Agency and also by the Asian Development Bank, Unicef, USAID and many others.
Displaying 21 - 25 of 87La marchandisation du foncier rural en Afrique, enjeux et perspectives
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, en Afrique, des contrats d’appropriation de terres à grande échelle mettent en jeu, suivant les cas, des États étrangers pour qui ces transactions représentent un moyen de sécuriser leurs approvisionnements en biens alimentaires ou des entreprises et investisseurs privés étrangers cherchant à réaliser des profits soit dans des activités productives à bons rendements, soit dans des activités spéculatives.
Summary Report of the Second Regional Land forum
Following the success of the inaugural Regional Land Forum in Hanoi in 2016, the Second Regional Land Forum was held from 28-30th May, 2018, in Bangkok. The Regional Land Forum aims to provide a multi-stakeholder platform for networking and dialogue on land governance issues across the Mekong region, particularly Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV).
Guide de sécurisation foncière sur les aménagements hydro-agricoles au Niger
Land tenure in rural lowland Myanmar: From historical perspectives to contemporary realities in the Dry zone and the Delta
The study is available in English. The Burmese version is composed of its synthesis and executive summary.
Documenting Customary Tenure in Myanmar: A guidebook
This guidebook provides conceptual, legal and practical tools and resources to help civil society organizations guide communities through the process of documenting customary tenure at the local level. It also provides suggestions for how to build on the momentum generated by the documentation process to develop strategies and actions to defend, strengthen and promote customary rights at community, regional and national level. The guidebook was developed out of practical experience and conversations with local groups in Myanmar that have been documenting customary tenure.