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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1606 - 1610 of 2117

SRJS_ToC_ID_B Protecting Kayan River Basin and delta in Bulu


The Bulungan district in North Kalimantan is characterized by rich biodiversity and includes ecosystems such as lowland tropical rainforest, mountain forest, peat swamps, mangroves and karst. The main watershed is the Kayan river, which ends up in the wide Kayan delta. This watershed is of vital importance to communities living along the river and in the delta, as they depend on it for fresh water, fisheries and agriculture. The Kayan watershed area has become a center for investment. Large areas have been converted into industrial plantations for palm oil and timber, mining sites, fishponds and farmland areas. The ecological damage caused by deforestation and the destruction of mangroves to create fishponds and provide wood for charcoal and construction materials is affecting livelihoods of local communities. For example, the disappearance of mangroves is destroying spawning grounds for fish and crustaceans, which are a key food source. This destruction is also making the area more susceptible to the effects of climate change. Extreme weather patterns, such as heavy downpours and prolonged droughts, combined with deforested hillsides may cause deadly landslides. The disappearance of coastal and riverine woodland is leading to the loss of natural protection against flooding, as well eroding river banks and advancing siltation. The vital ecosystem functions the forest provides are not taken into account in government policies that encourage investment in natural resources. Palm oil and timber plantations and logging concessions often overlap with community (forest) areas. Weak enforcement and lack of comprehensive laws and local regulations on sustainable natural resource management and traditional land rights, have made communities' position visàvis industrial companies vulnerable. Though many communities depend on the forest for their livelihoods, the land rights of local people, especially women and vulnerable groups like indigenous peoples, are not formally registered and the groups have very little say in decision-making on land use and natural resources.

Sustainable Landscape Program in the Paraguayan Chaco


In the Irala Fernandez District, in the dry Chaco region of Paraguay, we have been working together with the municipality, the Ministry of Agriculture, a national research institute, the three major dairy cooperatives, and three indigenous communities to improve production of food crops, enhance land management through silvopastoral grazing schemes, and increase the communities’ climate resilience. The latter is important to deal with prolonged periods of droughts as well as severe flooding, increasingly common in this region. The establishment of a MSP was key to this end, in order to bring actors together, define priorities and identify corresponding action plans. Through the MSP we engaged vulnerable groups, which had the opportunity to make their needs heard and we supported them to prioritize actionable plans. Through this process we have learned that building trust takes a long time and stakeholders need to be involved in every step of the way, from the planning to the execution of the solution, because this gives them a sense of belonging and creates an environment of shared development. At the start of the programme the Mennonite cooperatives and the Paraguayan cooperatives were not on speaking terms, and also the leadership of indigenous communities were reluctant to join the MSP. By investing in a preparatory stage of bilateral meetings with stakeholders, Solidaridad could understand their respective challenges and gain credibility as a trusted partner. In addition, to overcome the hesitation of stakeholders at the start, continuous efforts were made to ensure all actors remained on board. For the indigenous communities, this platform offered the opportunity to co-design and implement solutions to address their main needs, opened a communication channel with the local authorities and successfully engaged with local business. As a result of the joint work, sesame production was introduced as a viable option for income generation in these communities. School orchards were introduced to tackle food insecurity, and water reservoirs were built to collect rain water and facilitate the access during drought periods. The dairy production system in the region was also transformed by the introduction of Climate Smart Practices linked to a Technical Assistance Scheme, reaching 430 producers in 12,900 hectares. Productivity levels increased, the quality of milk improved and dairy producers have become more resilient to the extreme weather events, typical of this region. A major result of the project was that producers have gained better access to credit from the Crédito Agrícola de Habilitación CAH (agricultural finance provider), because we supported CAH to close the information gap and helped them to introduce improved (business) data management systems that is used to de-risk loans. The CAH disbursed around €200,000 in soft loans, thanks to which producers were able to buy new livestock, hay, and invest in silage, water reservoirs, and resizing of paddocks. The work with the CAH triggered the interest of other financial institutions that were initially reluctant to invest in small producers because they were perceived to be of high risk. Solidaridad helped to close the information gap, effectively connecting producers with finance. We see clear signals of scaling up after the project's end: the State government is assisting other dairy producers and indigenous communities. 377 dairy producers in the region have started to replicate the better dairy production practices via their cooperatives, inspired by the positive outcomes from the pilot farms.

American Geographical Society


AGS convene a diverse global community of innovators, thinkers, and practitioners to create and curate geographical knowledge, learning, and exploration, and to advance geographic science and technologies to address society’s challenges and opportunities. Omidyar Network supported to launch EthicalGEO to instigate, inspire and elevae proactive thought and action about the ethical challenges and opportunities associated with geospatial data and technology. The Locus Charter, ten principles guiding the ethical use of location data, was one of the results of this grant in collaboration with Ordnance Survey.

Support to Land Portal


This activity (Support to Land Portal) is a component of Land Governance for Economic Development reported by FCDO, with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £252,658.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Agricultural land resources.