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Conference on Land Policy in Africa 2019: An Interview with Kenya Land Alliance's Odenda Lumumba

21 November 2019
Pusparaj Ghimire

Next week the Conference on Land Policy in Africa - Winning the Fight against Corruption in the Land Sector: Sustainable Pathway for Africa’s Transformation, will take place in Abidjan. The African Union recognises that corruption is a key factor hampering efforts at promoting governance, socio-economic transformation, peace and security, and the enjoyment of human rights in the Member States.

Conference on Land Policy in Africa 2019: An Interview with Professor Rexford Ahene

21 November 2019
Prof. Rexford Ahene

Next week the Conference on Land Policy in Africa (CLPA) - Winning the Fight against Corruption in the Land Sector: Sustainable Pathway for Africa’s Transformation, will take place in Abidjan. The African Union recognises that corruption is a key factor hampering efforts at promoting governance, socio-economic transformation, peace and security, and the enjoyment of human rights in the Member States.

Can Data Be a Tool in the Fight Against Corruption? Reflections on the Uganda National Land Information System

04 October 2019
Lisette Mey
Stacey Zammit
Dawn D Caldwell

Over the past few weeks, the Land Portal along with colleagues at Cadasta, have been hosting a three week online discussion (September 9-29) on the role of open land data in the fight against corruption.  With over 100 contributions to the discussion and a variety of different perspectives, ranging from civil society to government representatives, we have received some valuable and thought-provoking content.

The Nuances of Opening Data: Comparing Financial and Land Data

02 October 2019
Lisette Mey
Stacey Zammit

Our online discussion “Open Land Data in the Fight Against Corruption” took place from Spetember 9-29 with many interesting contributions gathered. We discussed whether Open Data can be a key tool to increase transparency, support innovation and increase civic engagement, in the fight against corruption. One of the key questions which reverberates throughout the open data debate in the land sector, however, is how much transparency is too much?

The Nuances of Opening Data: Comparing Financial and Land Data

17 September 2019
Stacey Zammit
Lisette Mey

Our online discussion “Open Land Data in the Fight Against Corruption” is well underway with many interesting contributions so far. We are discussing whether Open Data can be a key tool to increase transparency, support innovation and increase civic engagement, in the fight against corruption. One of the key questions which reverberates throughout the open data debate in the land sector, however, is how much transparency is too much?

Opportunities and Limitations: New Data Sources and Tech in the Fight Against Corruption

31 August 2019
Stacey Zammit

Increasingly, governments and citizens in developing countries as well as development agencies are using information technology to improve governance, shape government-citizen relations, and reduce corruption. Despite this, we continue to be at the first phases of understanding how to best use these new data sources in anti-corruption work, as well as appreciating the challenges and limitations inherent in them.  

Consent is Everybody’s Business: Why banks need to act on free, prior and informed consent

27 August 2019
Imke Greven

Banks must stand with Indigenous and local communities in respecting their land rights

In 2018, every week more than three people were murdered, defending their land and environment from destructive industries like mining, logging and agribusiness. These killings represent the extreme end of a spectrum of violence and threats directed at land rights defenders.

Grabbing Land in Malawi

18 July 2019
Mr. Liam Wren-Lewis

The distribution of land in Malawi is highly unequal and frequently inefficient. Large areas of land are underutilised in a context where many Malawian farmers would be able to put such land to productive use. In this context, the Malawian government has been slow and ineffective in undertaking land reforms, despite large demand for change both from investors and the local population.

Land Governance in Transition: The Role of Open Data in Fighting Corruption

18 July 2019
Ms. Laura Meggiolaro

Hundreds of land practitioners from around the globe gathered and came together at the 2019 LANDac Conference at the beginning of July with the purpose of looking at land governance from the lens of transformation and in particular, how to support transformation that works for people and nature.  The conference delved into questions such as the long-term dynamics around land, water and food production and promising concepts and tools for building learning and knowledge building about these dynamics.

The Impact of Blockchain Technology on the Surveying Industry, Cadastre and Land Registry Systems

16 July 2019
Mr. John Dean Markunas



I. Introduction to Blockchain Technology

II. Overview of the Surveying Industry

III. Surveying and Blockchain

IV. Types of Blockchains  

V. The Case for Blockchain in the Real Estate Industry

VI. Blockchain, Surveying, Land Registry and Cadastre 

VII. Blockchain Registry Integration Levels

VIII. The Future of Blockchain for Real Estate

IX. Conclusion


Glossary — Blockchain Terminology