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Displaying 37 - 48 of 3985

Concern Over Climate Change and Land Concessions in Liberia

October, 2012

According to, farmers in Liberia are blaming perceived climatic changes on the government’s policy of allocating large-scale concessions for mining, logging, and agriculture. A Liberian non-governmental organization, Green Advocates, organized a workshop in southeast Liberia during which farmers and other participants cited deforestation and forest degradation from large-scale concessions as a major factor in the changing climate in Liberia.

Kenya Secure Team Leader Presents at International Conference on Biodiversity, Land Use and Climate Change

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2010

Kenya SECURE’s Team Leader, Kevin Doyle, presented at Kenya’s International Conference on Biodiversity, Land Use and Climate Change, held September 15-17, 2010 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Nairobi. Sponsors of the conference included KWS, IUCN, UNEP, EAWLS, and many others.
Mr. Doyle’s presentation gave a brief overview of the Kenya SECURE Project and highlighted some of the key features of the new National Land Policy and the Constitution as they related to community land rights. He then gave a case study overview of the Boni people living in the Boni-Lungi forest.

Welthunger-Index 2014: Herausforderung verborgener Hunger

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2014
Southern Asia
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Eastern Europe
Sub-Saharan Africa
South America

Ein Jahr bevor die Frist zur Erreichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele im Jahr 2015 abläuft, bietet der Welthunger-Index (WHI) einen facettenreichen Überblick über die Verbreitung des Hungers und trägt neue Erkenntnisse darüber in die weltweite Debatte, wie Hunger und Mangelernährung verringert werden können. Betrachtet man die Entwicklungsländer als Gruppe, so hat sich die Hungersituation dort seit 1990 verbessert. Dem WHI 2014 zufolge ist seitdem ein Rückgang um 39 Prozent zu verzeichnen.

Welthunger-Index 2014: Herausforderung verborgener Hunger

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Ein Jahr bevor die Frist zur Erreichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele im Jahr 2015 abläuft, bietet der Welthunger-Index (WHI) einen facettenreichen Überblick über die Verbreitung des Hungers und trägt neue Erkenntnisse darüber in die weltweite Debatte, wie Hunger und Mangelernährung verringert werden können. Betrachtet man die Entwicklungsländer als Gruppe, so hat sich die Hungersituation dort seit 1990 verbessert. Dem WHI 2014 zufolge ist seitdem ein Rückgang um 39 Prozent zu verzeichnen.

Indice Globale della Fame 2014: la sfida della fame nascosta

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2014
Southern Asia
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Eastern Europe
Sub-Saharan Africa
South America

A un anno dalla scadenza per il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio, fissata nel 2015, l’Indice Globale della Fame 2014 offre una prospettiva articolata del problema della fame nel mondo, che porta nuovi spunti al dibattito mondiale rispetto a dove concentrare gli sforzi nella lotta contro la fame e la malnutrizione. Secondo il GHI 2014, lo stato della fame nei Paesi in via di sviluppo è complessivamente migliorato in confronto al 1990, con un calo del 39%.

2013 Indice globale della fame : La sfida della fame : Sviluppare la resilienza delle comunità per la sicurezza alimentare e nutrizionale

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia
Eastern Europe
Southern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Nel 2012 la tempesta tropicale Isaac e l’uragano Sandy hanno martoriato Haiti, danneggiando i raccolti, facendo straripare i fiumi, alla­gando le strade e bloccando l’accesso alle comunità. Mentre i prezzi ali­mentari aumentavano e i debiti crescevano, gli haitiani poveri hanno adot­tato misure estreme. Alcuni sono emigrati. Altri hanno resistito riducendo il numero di pasti al giorno e svendendo le proprie terre o il bestiame. Ogni estate, gli haitiani temono lo scatenarsi della furia degli elementi.

Investigating the linkage between climate variables and food security in ESA countries

December, 2013

This paper investigates the effect of climate variables (precipitation and temperature) on food security indicators from 1961-2011 for 10 Eastern and Southern African countries by estimating fixed effects models. Food security is approximated by three indicators: food production index, mortality rate of people under five years of age, and life expectancy at birth. The results show that GDP per capita, inflation, population growth, and land under cereal production are significant in explaining the indicators of food security.

Interventions for achieving sustainability in tropical forest and agricultural landscapes

December, 2012

The rapid expansion of commodity agriculture in tropical forest landscapes is a key driver of deforestation. To meet the growing demand from a more prosperous and expanding global population, it is imperative to develop sustainable commodity supply chains that support higher agricultural productivity, and that enable improved environmental, economic, and social outcomes. Interventions by community, market, and state actors can enhance the sustainability of supply chains by affecting where and how agricultural production occurs.

2013 Global hunger index : The challenge of hunger : Building resilience to achieve food and nutrition security

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia
Eastern Europe
Southern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

The 2013 Global Hunger Index (GHI), which reflects data from the period 2008-2012, shows that global hunger has improved since 1990, falling by one-third. Despite the progress made, the level of hunger in the world remains “serious,” with 870 million people going hungry, according to estimates by the Food and Agriculture Organiza­tion of the United Nations.Across regions and countries, GHI scores vary considerably. South Asia and Africa south of the Sahara are home to the highest GHI scores.