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Issues food security related News
Displaying 13 - 24 of 202
9 September 2022
A Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) leader says menteris besar and chief ministers are being given vast powers on land matters in their states.
7 September 2022
Millions of people are facing food insecurity.  Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia could be experiencing their worst drought in 40 years this October-December with drier-than-average conditions predicted.
29 August 2022
Facing deadly drought, historic floods, and extreme weather events, African politicians, civil society, and business leaders will voice calls for urgent action.
15 July 2022
Projects aimed at food security India will provide "appropriate land" for "food parks" across the country that will be built in collaboration with Israel, United States and the United Arab Emirates. The plan for the "integrated food parks" was announced in a Joint Statement after the leaders of the
11 July 2022
Rural 21, the International Journal for Rural Development, published an article by Laura Meggiolaro and Anne Hennings on the recently updated SDG Land Tracker. 
8 July 2022
Food safety and transfer of modern technology and knowledge to farmers in Georgia were discussed between Agriculture Minister Otar Shamugia and United States officials in Washington, the Ministry announced on Friday.  During his visit to the capital, Shamugia held meetings with Cary Fowler, the US
7 July 2022
According to Mozambique analyst Joseph Hanlon the World Bank admits that its policy failed in Mozambique, leading to high growth but inequality, poverty, corruption. The World Bank cites the need to “rethink” the current model.
2 July 2022
Reliance on imports from as far away as Tanzania, Uganda and even China, leaves Kisumu County’s accessibility to food on a fragile footing.  
23 June 2022
Tensions are spiking once again in the chronically turbulent eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The M23 rebel movement — widely thought to be long dead — has dramatically resurrected. And DRC president Félix Tshisekedi has accused Rwandan president Paul Kagame of again backing it with
18 June 2022
Main photo: Sri Lanka facing worst economic crisis (file photo-representational photo). Photo by AP/PTI. Sri Lanka’s army established its Green Agriculture Steering Committee (GASC) to supplement and promote the food security programme in the country facing worst economic crisis. The Sri Lanka Army
14 June 2022
This episode of LandUP! addresses an emerging  body of work on the nexus between land tenure and land degradation neutrality. 
23 May 2022
Hosted Under the Patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah IIBin Al Hussein, the Global Land Forum focused on "Pathways to Climate Solutions" The Forum is the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa, taking place in the Dead Sea at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre. More

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