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IssuespastoralistsLandLibrary Resource
There are 1, 358 content items of different types and languages related to pastoralists on the Land Portal.
Displaying 85 - 96 of 1149

Trust Land (Shimba Hills) Rules.

Eastern Africa

These Rules regulate the occupation of land and the possession, herding or grazing in an area defined in Schedule 7 to the Government Lands Act. A person shall only occupy land on the basis of a valid licence to be issued by the Settlement Officer of a valid lease. A licence shall also be required for the possession, herding or grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf, ox, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, swine or poultry and domestic animals. The Settlement Officer shall keep a register of licensees.

Trust Land (Kwale) (Grazing) Rules (L.N. 625 of 1963).

Eastern Africa

These Rules regulate the keeping or grazing of donkeys, cattle, sheep and goats in those parts of Trust land in the Kwale area. Only persons normally residing in the area shall keep or depasture any livestock upon land in the area. Other persons shall obtain a licence from the licensing officer, but a holder of a licence shall be entitled to keep or depasture not more than ten head of cattle or an equivalent number of donkeys, sheep or goats.

Implements: Trust Land Act (Cap. 288). (1974)

Agricultural Crown Lands Grazing and Hay Permits Regulation (Man. Reg. 288/88).

Northern America

The present Regulation implements the Crown Lands Act (Chapter C340). Section 2 establishes that no person shall graze livestock on Crown land except under the authority of: a) a lease under the Agricultural Crown Land Leases Regulation or b) a permit issued by the director under this Regulation. The text consists of 4 Parts divided into 20 sections as follows: Definitions (I); Grazing permits (II); Hay permits (III); Repeal (IV).

Implements: Crown Lands Act (C.C.S.M. c. C340). (2015)

Small Trespass Act (No. 12 of 1891).

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act defines the jurisdiction of a magistrate in respect of civil claims regarding trespass on land and damage caused by animals trespassing on any land. The Act further gives rules regarding the judgment regarding trespass or damage and declares that all trespasses to personal property or to land, except where otherwise provided by this Act or any other Act shall, be governed by the common law of England.

Law on Forest and Pasture Servitudes 1980.

Western Europe

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of use relating to forests and pastures. The text consists of 53 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); New regulations and regulations (II); Transfer of rights of use, prerequisites and modes of transfer (III); Safeguard of rights of use, afforestation and other use of pasture ground (IV); Raw wood compensation in case of damage (V); Provisions relating to authorities and proceedings (VI).

Forest and Pasture Servitude Law.

Western Europe

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of use relating to forests and pastures. The text consists of 57 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions on forest and pasture rights of use (I); New regulations and regulations relating to rights of use (II); Transfer of rights of use (III); Safeguard of rights of use (IV); Wood compensation in case of damage (V); Special field servitudes (VI); Provisions relating to competent authorities and proceedings (VII).

Ministerial Decree No. 360 validating the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pasture.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pastures, the form of contract on lease of the pasture areas for stockbreeding purpose, lease of pasture areas for other purposes, form of forest land plot usage permit for silvopastoralism. Pasture areas allotted before 16 June 1999 for long-term use shall remain in use of the lessees until 2025. Lessee shall have the right to use waterbodies in accordance with the established limits.

Ministerial Decree No. 649 validating the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures and the form of contract for transfer of the plots of pasture areas. It classifies pastures as: (a) pastures for transhumance; (b) pastures for intensive management; (c) pastures located between transhumance areas and fixed pasture areas; and (d) pastures of the inhabited areas. All pasture areas shall be mapped and shall have boundaries designated afield.

Décret nº 2007-407/PRES/PM/MRA portant création, attributions, composition et fonctionnement du Comité national de la transhumance.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Il est créé, en application des dispositions de la décision A/DEC-5/10/98 du 31 octobre 1998, un Comité national de la Transhumance, en abrégé CONAT, ayant pour mission d’apporter son appui au Ministère des ressources animales dans l’analyse de la situation, l’élaboration et la mise en oeuvre des stratégies en vue de l’organisation et de la bonne conduite de la transhumance et de toutes les activités connexes.

Décret nº 2007-416/PRES/PM/MRA/MAHRH/MATD/MEDEV/MECV portant modalités d’identification et de sécurisation des espaces pastoraux d’aménagement spécial et des espaces de terroir réservés à la pâture du bétail.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Le présent décret détermine, en application des dispositions de la loi n° 034/2002/AN du 14 novembre 2002, les modalités d’identification et de sécurisation des espaces pastoraux d’aménagement spécial et des espaces de terroir réservés à la pâture du bétail, qui visent à la promotion de l’élevage, notamment la sédentarisation et la modernisation à terme de l’élevage traditionnel, la garantie aux éleveurs de droits réels d’accès, de mise en valeur et d’exploitation de l’espace et des ressources naturelles, la responsabilisation des communautés bénéficiaires; et l’amélioration des techniques

Décret nº 2007-410/PRES/PM/MRA/MFB portant conditions générales d’attribution, d’occupation et d’exploitation des zones pastorales aménagées.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Le présent décret fixe les conditions générales d’attribution, d’occupation et d’exploitation des zones pastorales aménagées par l’Etat ou les collectivités locales. Il est mis en place, pour chaque zone pastorale aménagée, une commission d’attribution des parcelles par arrêté du ou des Haut(s) Commissaire(s) concernés. La commission d’attribution des parcelles est chargée de l’examen des dossiers de demande d’attribution ou de proposition de ré-attribution de parcelles qui lui sont soumis.

Act No. 40 of 2007 on reindeer herding.

Northern Europe

The scope of this Act is to promote the ecologically-sustainable reindeer husbandry based on Sami culture, traditions and customs. The Act provides for rights and duties of reindeer herders; regulates the relationship with other economic activities having regard to the general interest; regulates the relationship between reindeer herders as far as necessary; and lays the foundation for administration and organization of reindeer husbandry. The Act provides for the establishment of reindeer districts which shall be administered by a district council.