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The complexities of measuring the impact of land projects

06 September 2023
Weak land governance is globally recognized as an obstacle to development and stability. Secure land tenure is seen as a driver of poverty reduction, food security and gender equality. This recognition has led to increased efforts by donors, governments and civil society to improve land governance and the inclusion of a land tenure indicator in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
However, these efforts contrast with the lack of evidence on their impact.

New Country Portfolio for Senegal

08 September 2022

Senegal has the particularity of being the westernmost point of the African continent, which is located at the tip of Almadies in Dakar, the country's capital. With an area of 196,722 km2 , Senegal is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Mauritania to the north and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to the south. The Gambia, a country located on either side of the river bearing the same name, forms an enclave within Senegal. The relief of Senegal is generally flat and low, with an average altitude of less than 50 metres over three quarters of the territory.    

Land rights on air: how Land Voice supports indigenous communities in Cameroon

05 July 2022
Sandrine Kouba



In Cameroon, many rural communities are unaware of their rights, in a context where they are increasingly challenged by large-scale land-based investments. Sandrine Kouba from RELUFA explains how setting up a radio programme has helped to inform indigenous communities about their rights and enable them to feel better prepared to face investors. 


Land rights can break the gender bias in climate action for the good of the planet

08 March 2022
Dr. Joseph Feyertag

International Women’s Day today challenges us to ‘break the bias’. This is key when it comes to the climate crisis as women are more vulnerable to climate shocks, yet less able to build resilience due to the cultural and legal biases that frustrate their agency over land and resources. Subjective data offers us ways to spot these biases and target ways of breaking them.

Engaging migrants in natural resource management: Lessons from Indonesia

05 July 2021
Dr. Jia Yen Lai

Environmental policy interventions often result in conflicts because they fail to recognize people’s identity and sense of belongings, as shaped through the places where they live. A recent paper explores a case study of a palm oil project in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in which competing claims of recognition and land rights have led to conflict between transmigrants and indigenous Kutai people.

Setting the scene: What are the RAI principles and how do they apply to Mekong forest landscapes?

27 May 2021
Daniel Hayward

The second day of the Forum built upon discussions around customary land tenure in the Mekong region, but with a focus upon private sector investment practices, particularly concerning agriculture and the potential impact on smallholder farmers, the rural poor, and the environment.


Strengthening the land rights of local communities and women in forest areas

26 May 2021
Daniel Hayward

The task of opening a large event is never easy. Within a short space of time, you need to set out a clear agenda, freshening the perspective of the viewer, and then clear the decks for discussion to move forwards rather than retread old ground. Following some introductory greetings from Jean-François Cuénod of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Micah Ingalls (Team Leader MRLG) took up the challenge.