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Displaying 2065 - 2076 of 2115

Land Administration Review: Armenia

Reports & Research
September, 2001

At its sixty-first session in September 2000, the ECE Committee on Human Settlements accepted the proposal of the Bureau of the Working Party on Land Administration to provide expert assistance to Armenia on land administration issues (ECE/HBP/119, annex I, programme element “Land registration and land markets”). Security of tenure is one of the most important factors in fighting poverty and stabilizing communities by improving housing conditions through housing investments, reducing social exclusion, improving access to urban services, environment and safety in urban areas.

Profil national genre des secteurs de l’agriculture et du développement rural – Tchad

Reports & Research
October, 2021

Ce Profil national genre des secteurs de l’agriculture et du développement rural analyse les inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes, les bonnes pratiques et les recommandations pour l’autonomisation des femmes dans l’agriculture, les chaines de valeurs, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, et la gestion des ressources naturelles.

National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods: The Republic of Azerbaijan

Reports & Research
August, 2022

This country gender assessment (CGA) for the Republic of Azerbaijan was undertaken as part of FAO and national commitments to promote gender equality while integrating a gender perspective into its operations. The resulting CGA report focuses on the intersections of gender, agriculture and rural development, and presents a snapshot of critical gender-based inequalities and their consequences for agricultural production and rural livelihoods in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan: Systematic Country Diagnostic Update

Reports & Research
May, 2022

The Azerbaijan Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) Update 2022 identifies the most critical challenges facing the government in the effort to achieve the country’s national goals and the twin goals of eradicating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. It also identifies policy priorities to address these challenges within a changing economic and geopolitical environment. The SCD is a comprehensive evidence-based analysis founded on the latest data and analyses available.

Azerbaijan: Moving towards more diversified, resilient, and inclusive development

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2020

Azerbaijan has set the course for the economy to reduce its dependence on oil by promoting new drivers of growth. This publication emphasizes the need for diversification, particularly in the agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing sectors. By 2025, under the Strategic Roads Maps of the Government of Azerbaijan, a more diversified economy should take shape led by these three sectors. Bold reforms need to strengthen areas of the economy that could otherwise impede this transition, and policy makers must resolutely stay on the reform path.

Analyse du fonctionnement du Fond de Développement Local (FDL) de la Série de Développement Communautaire de Pokola (Congo)

Reports & Research
May, 2021

La présente étude vise à évaluer le fonctionnement du Fonds de Développement Local (FDL) de la Série de Développement Communautaire de l’UFA Pokola au Congo. Elle se base sur la revue documentaire, des entretiens semi-structurés avec les personnes ressources, les responsables de ménages ainsi que la tenue des focus groups. Les résultats indiquent que les communautés locales et populations autochtones (CLPA) sont impliquées dans les organes de gestion de la Série de Développement Communautaire, organes responsables de la gestion du FDL.

Fiche pays Congo

Reports & Research
November, 2009

Dans le cadre des travaux entrepris par le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » et du projet « Appui à l’élaboration des politiques foncières » financé par l’AFD, Alain Rochegude et Caroline Plançon ont actualisé des fiches de synthèse « décentralisation, acteurs locaux et foncier » à partir d’une analyse des textes législatifs appliqués dans 23 pays essentiellement de la zone AFR.

Effects of land titling and registration on tenure security and agricultural investments: Case of Gataraga sector, Northern Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2018

Rwanda has undertaken a land registration and titling program since 2008 with a registration of 10.3 million land parcels in 2013. The aim of this paper is to investigate the early effects of the program on tenure security and agricultural investments since few studies have been carried out in this research area. The study was undertaken in Musanze district in Northern Rwanda, with specific focus on Gataraga sector and it draws on a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The findings indicate that the program led to reduced land conflicts and improved tenure security.

Qualitative Impact Assessment - Responsible Land Policy

Institutional & promotional materials
April, 2023

The Global Programme Responsible Land Policy (GPRLP), launched in November 2015, is based on the assumption that secure land rights can

➊ improve food security and foster investment,
➋ lead to sustainable land use,
➌ reduce conflicts and
➍ improve women’s access to land as well as that of marginalized groups.

Good Practice Benin - PVM

Institutional & promotional materials
June, 2023

The Global Programme 'Responsible Land Policy' (GPRLP) is part of the Special Initiative 'One World, No Hunger' of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which aims to reduce extreme poverty and hunger.

Responsible Land Policy in Laos - ELTeS

Institutional & promotional materials
March, 2023

With around 7.4 million inhabitants, Laos is relatively sparsely populated. Over 70% of Laotians depend directly or indirectly on agriculture and forestry for their living. To drive forward the country’s development, the Lao Government is investing in agriculture and forestry, mining, and hydropower. Until now, the rural population has derived limited benefit from this practice and is often not familiar with the legal frameworks governing land, nor the relevant institutions and processes that ensure their land rights.