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Food and Nutrition Security Policy and Action Plan

National Policies
March, 2014
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The Food and Nutrition Security Policy and Action Plan constitute a national cross-sectoral strategic document of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Its main objective is to ensure long-term food and nutrition security and the enjoyment by all in the Caribbean Community Member States of the “right to food”.The document provides for elimination of hunger, food security and malnutrition. To this end, it sets out measures concerning implementation of a Zero Hunger Initiative which will reduce the level of hunger and undernourishment in St.

National Development Plan 2014 - 2016.

National Policies
December, 2013

This NDP is a 3-year nationwide document aiming at (i) building a sovereign State; (ii) consolidating its control over the natural resources; (iii) developing the Area C, particularly Jordan Valley, as well as East Jerusalem and Gaza; (iv) boosting the economy; (v) enhancing the private sector's ability to build its productive capacity and its capacity to create jobs; and (vi) increasing efficiency and sustainability of quality services.Main pillars at the basis of the NDP, compared to previous policies, are (i) a more participatory approach; (ii) mainstream gender equality throughout plann

Environmental Impact Assessment (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (S.S.I. No. 168 of 2017).

May, 2017
United Kingdom

These Regulations make minor changes and corrections to the Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017, the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017, the Forestry (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017, the Agriculture, Land Drainage and Irrigation Projects (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 and the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.

Programa de Acción Nacional contra la Desertificación 2008.

National Policies
July, 2008

El objetivo fundamental del Programa de Acción Nacional contra la Desertificación (PAND) es contribuir al logro del desarrollo sostenible de las zonas áridas, semiáridas y subhúmedas secas del territorio nacional y, en particular, la prevención o la reducción de la degradación de las tierras, la rehabilitación de tierras parcialmente degradadas y la recuperación de tierras desertificadas.

National Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Consumption and Production in Jordan 2016 – 2025.

National Policies
December, 2015

Jordan’s SCP Strategy and National Action Plan (NAP) is a nation-wide document that addresses key human activities with a particular impact on the Jordanian environment. The overall goal of the Strategy is to achieve a shift to sustainable patterns in three identified priority areas of consumption and production, namely agriculture/food production, transport, and waste management, to be met through the identification of operational objectives and specific actions.

Décret n° 2-16-135 du 12 rejeb 1437 (20 avril 2016) relatif à l’exonération des terres collectives situées dans les périmètres d'irrigation des droits relatifs à l’immatriculation.

April, 2016

Le présent décret exonère des droits de conservation foncière, toutes les formalités relatives à l’immatriculation des terres collectives situées en totalité ou en partie dans les périmètres d'irrigation, soumises aux dispositions du dahir n° 1-69-30 du 10 joumada 1389 (25 juillet 1969) relatif aux terres collectives situées dans les périmètres d'irrigation et ce, jusqu'à l’inscription sur les titres fonciers des lots attribués aux ayants droits dans le cadre dudit dahir.

Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales.

March, 2016

La presente Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, tiene por objeto normar el uso y acceso a la propiedad de la tierra rural, el derecho a la propiedad de la misma que deberá cumplir la función social y la función ambiental. Regula la posesión, la propiedad, la administración y redistribución de la tierra rural como factor de producción para garantizar la soberanía alimentaria, mejorar la productividad, propiciar un ambiente sustentable y equilibrado, y otorgar seguridad jurídica a los titulares de derechos.

National Water Resources Policy for the Kingdom of Cambodia.

National Policies
December, 2003

This national Policy for the water sector in Cambodia sets out a vision, fundamental principles, current situation and policies regarding development and management of freshwater resources and water demand and supply in Cambodia. The Policy, however, also contains a Chapter on water-related hazards and one on the management of coastal and marine waters. It also states the importance of sanitation for all, addresses water pollution and international aspects of water.

Regulation No. 18 of 27.05.2009 on the quality of water for irrigation of agricultural crops.

May, 2009

This Regulation determines the necessary quality and monitoring requirements for the water (surface, underground and waste waters) intended for agricultural crops irrigation on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.This text further sets the criteria and indicators for irrigation water quality assessment, also aimed to prevent the damage caused by hydro-technical facilities engaged in irrigation related activities (possible adverse impacts of irrigation water or waterworks); rules for areas identified as vulnerable zones; maintenance of land and soil in good agricultural and environment

National Irrigation Act, 2013 (No. 5 of 2013).

October, 2013

This Act makes provision with respect to the management, use and maintenance of irrigation systems. It establishes the National Irrigation Commission and defines its functions and powers. The Commission is established as a body corporate and shall be an independent department of the Government under the Ministry responsible for irrigation. The Commission shall be responsible for coordination, promotional and regulatory functions in the development of the irrigation sector.