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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
There are 3, 126 content items of different types and languages related to cadastres on the Land Portal.
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Décret n°704/PR/MPITPTHTAT du 17 juillet 2013 modifiant et supprimant certaines dispositions du décret n° 257/PR/MECIT du 19 juin 2012 réglementant les cessions et locations des terres domaniales.

July, 2013

Le présent décret modifie les articles 31 (les attributions de l’Agence nationale de l’urbanisme des travaux topographiques et du cadastre) et 32 (procédure du dossier à la conservation de la propriété foncière et des hypothèques territorialement compétente aux fins de création du titre foncier ou de transcription de l'emphytéose du décret n° 257/PR/MECIT du 19 juin 2012 réglementant les cessions et locations des terres domaniales.

Modifie: Décret n°257/PR/MECIT du 19 juin 2012 réglementant les cessions et locations des terres domaniales. (2012-06-19)

Building Law.

December, 2000

The present Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.

Order No. 333 of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food validating the Regulation on Chief Regional Department of State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre.

September, 2016

This Order establishes that Chief Regional Department of State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre shall be territorial body operating in contact with the head of local self-government in the process of fulfilling its duties and tasks.

Land Registration Act Chapter 5.01.

March, 2006
Saint Lucia

The provisions of this Act shall apply only to land, interests in land, or dealings in land, registered under this Act. This Act sets forth organization, administration, duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Land Registry and registrars. A Registrar of Lands shall be appointed by the Public Service Commission to manage the Land Registry in accordance with this Act. The Land Registry includes a register in respect of every parcel which has been adjudicated in accordance with the Land Adjudication Act and a register in respect of each lease required by this Act to be registered.

Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan 2013/14 - 2017/18

National Policies
May, 2013

The Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan is a national sectoral plan of Uganda for the period 2013/14 - 2017/18. Its main objective is to ensure sustainable land management, orderly development and adequate housing for socio-economic development.The Plan aims to make land use more productive and sustainable.

Decreto Nº 130 - Directrices para la actualización de la información catastral.

June, 2017

El presente Decreto, considerando que por la Ley Nº 59 la Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras tiene entre sus objetivos crear un sistema de información geográfica y levantar e integrar un catastro único, garantizando la administración, accesibilidad y manejo de la información generada por distintos programas y entidades, e incorporando procesos, recursos y tecnología de punta, establece estas directrices para la actualización de la información catastral.

Implementa: Ley Nº 59 - Crea la Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras. (2010-10-08)

Décret 2014-062/PRES/PM/MASA/MRAH/MEDD/MEF/MATD/MJ du 07 février 2014 portant modification du décret n° 2010- 399/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MRA/MECV/MEF/MATD/MJ du 29 Juin 2010 portant modalités d’organisation et de tenue des registres fonciers ruraux.

February, 2014
Burkina Faso

Le présent décret modifie les dispositions de l’article 7 du décret n° 2010-399/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MRA/MECV/MEF/MATD/MJ du 29 Juin 2010 portant modalités d’organisation et de tenue des registres fonciers ruraux.Cette modification porte essentiellement sur la formule de prestation de serment devant le tribunal de grande instance territorialement compétent des agents chargés de la tenue des registres fonciers ruraux.

Modifie: Décret N°2010-399/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MRA/MECV/MEF/MATD portant modalités d’organisation et de tenue des registres fonciers ruraux. (2010-07-29)

Native Lands Ordinance.

December, 1955

An Ordinance to provide for title and registration of rights in native land. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance native land shall not be alienated, whether by sale, gift, lease or otherwise, to a person who is not a native. The Chief Lands Officer shall appoint a native lands Registrar for every register of native lands. No lease or sub-lease of any native land shall be valid until it has been approved and registered according with the provisions of this Ordinance. The Ordinance provides also for the survey of lands.

Acuerdo Nº 28 - Fija reglas especiales en cuanto a las extensiones y condiciones de adjudicación de baldíos.

August, 2017

El presente Acuerdo de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras (ANT), tiene por objeto establecer las condiciones de explotación económica de terrenos baldíos que hagan procedente su adjudicación a través de esquemas o contratos de explotación que faciliten dicha explotación, cuando el sujeto de reforma agraria no tenga posibilidades de desarrollarla solo.

Law on agricultural land.

July, 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Law establishes: definitions, basic principles and management, protection, use, development, data collection, supervision, as well as other important issues related to agricultural land on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Agricultural land is a natural resource of common interest, that enjoys special protection, used for agricultural production and may not be used for other purposes, except in cases and under conditions here established.The major objectives of this Law are the: adoption of sustainable principles, production capacity and management improvement,

Circular No. 43/2015/TT-BQP guiding a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 34/2014/ND-CP of April 29, 2014, promulgating the Regulation on land border areas of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

May, 2015

This Circular, consisting of 13 articles divided into four Chapters, guides a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 34/2014/ND-CP of April 29, 2014, promulgating the Regulation on land border areas of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This Circular applies to Vietnamese and foreign agencies, organizations and individuals operating in land border areas of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (below referred to as land border areas). Land border areas are defined in Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree No. 34/2014/ND-CP.