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IssuesdevelopmentLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 397 - 408 of 1447

Leasehold as a Vehicle for Economic Development

March, 2017

Secure tenure and registered land rights are widely believed to be necessary for access to credit, well functioning land markets and economic development. As a result Namibia introduced long term leasehold rights over communal and commercial land for resettlement purposes in order to address preindependence imbalances in land holdings. The purpose is to bring the resettled beneficiaries into the mainstream of the economy, but this has not happened.

The Flexible Land Tenure System in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals

Reports & Research
April, 2017

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the Flexible Land Tenure System (FLTS) in

Namibia is in line with the Fit-For-Purpose (FFP) land administration approach which is

developed in order to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at national and

local level in developing countries by providing tenure security to poor people and creating

country-wide land recordation systems. The FFP approach is based on a Minimum Viable

Product focusing on the specific local tenure security needs, flexibility on survey accuracy,

Land Delivery to the Urban Poor. Case study of Lux Development Project Nam/343: Realities, opportunities, possibilities, synergies

July, 2016

The project took place in Katima Mulilo and Rundu during 2007-11. The project consisted of 66 township extensions, and resulted in 18,500 plots developed in a period of 5 years. The project was funded by LUX Development, the cooperation agency from Luxemburg, which poured significant funds to make the project possible. One of the innovation aspects was to do the topographic and cadastral mapping in parallel with the layout and design. This was done by teams consisting of a town planner, a surveyor , and community facilitators selected by the inhabitants of the settlement in question.

Perspectieven voor de Bangert

Reports & Research
December, 1993

Voor een bijna 100 ha groot tuinbouwgebied in de gemeente Hoorn zijn de ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden in de agrarische sector nagegaan. Het oorspronkelijke verkavelingspatroon van lintbebouwing met smalle lange tuinen vormt veelal een beperking voor een doelmatige bedrijfsinrichting. Gebleken is dat een deel van de tuinders desondanks bedrijven heeft opgebouwd die een bestaansbasis vormen voor een aantal medewerkers. Het merendeel van hen wil het intensieve bedrijf in het gebied blijven uitoefenen.

Samenhang ontwerp - uitvoering bij het scheppen en instandhouden van groenvoorzieningen

Reports & Research
December, 1983

The purpose of this study is to analyse how to produce a balance between the design and implementation of "green" facilities. It focusses on providing insight into the conditions under which decisions take place, conditions which have to be satisfied if a balance between design and implementation is to be realised and is to influence the way we create and maintain "green" facilities. The study shows that the management of the "green" facilities is indissolubly linked with the design and the implementation.