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Issuesland improvementLandLibrary Resource
There are 274 content items of different types and languages related to land improvement on the Land Portal.
Displaying 181 - 192 of 260

Riesgos y oportunidades: Una introducción a la gobernanza forestal, las comunidades y REDD+ en América Latina

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011
Central America
South America

REDD+ es un mecanismo financiero con un potencial significativo para cambiar los incentivos conducentes a la deforestación y el cambio de uso de la tierra, con efectos en la conservación del bosque y la sostenibilidad. REDD+ no es en sí mismo una reforma de la gobernanza, pero afectará a la gobernanza forestal o será afectado por ella. REDD+ puede mejorar la gobernanza forestal o ser minado por sus imperfecciones, ya que depende de una buena gobernanza forestal para ser eficiente, efectivo y equitativo.

Smallholder Agricultural Carbon Projects in Eastern Africa

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2014
Eastern Africa

This manual has been developed to help build the capacities of farmers, farmers groups, extension staff and project managers who are implementing agricultural carbon projects in Eastern Africa. The manual describes the steps for implementing an afforestation/reforestation voluntary carbon project based on the Plan Vivo Standard.

Use of deep-rooted tropical pastures to build-up an arable layer throught improvement soil properties of an oxisol in the Eastern Plains (Llanos Orientales) of Colombia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2004
South America

It is widely believed that tropical soils (mainly Oxisols) have excellent physical characteristics such as high infiltration rates, high permeability of water, good and stable soil structure and that consequently, they can support mechanized agriculture. However in the Eastern Plains (Llanos Orientales) of Colombia, when Oxisols are subjected to tillage using disc harrow, soil physical conditions deteriorate rapidly.

Economics of land degradation in Niger

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2018
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Land degradation poses daunting challenges to Niger and the country has designed several policies and strategies for combatting it. Building on work past studies, this study uses new satellite data which have higher resolution and run for longer time – thus capturing the longterm land management dynamics. This study also uses an improved cost of land degradation model which nets out benefits from land improvement as well analysing the impacts of land degradation on food and nutrition security.

Better Land Husbandry: Re-thinking approaches to land improvement and the conservation of water and soil

December, 1996

Soil erosion has conventionally been perceived as the chief cause of land degradation, yet the limited effectiveness and poor uptake of widely promoted physical and biological anti-erosion methods challenges this logic. An alternative perception focusing on prior land damage - notably to soil cover, architecture and fertility - permits an holistic, farmer-centred approach which has generated positive response to date.