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Issuesland improvementLandLibrary Resource
There are 274 content items of different types and languages related to land improvement on the Land Portal.
Displaying 253 - 260 of 260

Land Mali Umma

Journal Articles & Books
September, 2001

For a long time the issue of land and related problems has been debated mostly by academicians, politicians and professionals. Although the problem has remained more or less one of the most talked of in Kenya, the public has very often been left out of the debate. Again mostly the debate has been dominated more by complaining about either the lack of policy or the bad land policies and laws and the failure by successive governments to correct those problems.

Relevance of the World Social Forum to the Kenyan Situation

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2007

The World Social Forum in Nairobi in January 2007 was a timely New Year rallying event for Kenyans to revisit the fundamental principles for building a democratic and sustainable society as we prepare for December 2007 elections.The current organizing principles of the institutions that govern us in Kenya are narrow and serve the few at the expense of the many millions of Kenyans that live in abject poverty. Yet, from all corners of the country it is acknowledged that it is within our collective ability to create a healthy and sustainable society that serves and work for all

A Critical Analysis of the Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya: Sampled Reactions

Institutional & promotional materials
August, 2000

The recently released report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya has sparked varying reactions from Kenyans of all walks of life. While some complain that the Commission did not complete its task per all its terms of reference, the land gurus are thrilled by the fact that the report makes many far reaching recommendations on the principles of formulating a National Land Policy Framework and the Constitutional Framework for Land Administration and Management.

Contribuţia Catedrei ,, Îmbunătăţiri funciare şi fizică” la dezvoltarea lucrărilor de îmbunătăţiri funciare în Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

During its existence the Department „Iand improvements and Phisica” carried out activities not only teaching, but alco scientific, contributing to the development of land improvement works in Moldova.

Technical remediation and improvement activities of land use based on deforestation and levelling-modeling in the Republic of Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2018

Land improvement activities contribute to soil protection, create conditions to boost soil fertility and encourage more rational use of water resources. The paper is focused on investigating, planning, performing and maintaining the constructions related to water use or protection against destructive actions. The soil – being the main natural source of the Republic of Moldova and forming the base of its food security, economic potential and people welfare – becomes increasingly the subject to severe degradation processes in recent years.

Land Improvements Under Land Tenure Insecurity: The Case of Liming in Finland

Reports & Research
September, 2016

This article solves and characterizes optimal decision rules to invest in irreversible land improvements conditional on land tenure insecurity. Economic model is a normative dynamic programming model with known parameters for the one period returns and transition equations. The optimal decision rules for liming are solved numerically, conditional on alternative scenarios on the likelihood that the lease contract and, thus, farmer access to land is either renewed or expired. The model parameters represent Finnish soil quality and production conditions.

The priority dilemma of Western Sanctions on Syria's agricultural reconstruction

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020
Syrian Arab Republic

The current relationship between Syria and the West cripples any real prospect for reconstruction. Western sanctions on reconstruction as a political tool aimed at the regime, have wide-ranging negative impacts on the civilian population – while having little hope of political success. For agriculture the repercussions of sanctions on reconstruction are severe, affecting refugee returns, livelihood recovery, food security and stabilization.