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Issuesland improvementLandLibrary Resource
There are 274 content items of different types and languages related to land improvement on the Land Portal.
Displaying 241 - 252 of 260

Trees, soils, and warthogs - distribution of services and disservices from reforestation areas in southern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2017

Conservation projects have often been criticised for creating global benefits while causing negative impacts on local livelihoods. Ecosystem services approaches have been seen as one way to change this by focussing explicitly on maintaining ecosystems for human well-being of stakeholders at various scales. However, ecosystem services approaches have often ignored trade-offs between groups of people and issues of power and do not automatically lead to better outcomes in terms of human well-being.


Journal Articles & Books
September, 2011

kenya land alliance download :Memorandum On Continued Engagement With The Ministry Of Lands On Land Reforms Presented To: The Ministry Of Lands. The approval by the public of the Constitution at the referendum on August 4, 2010 and its promulgation on August 27, 2010 heralded a new dawn of governance in Kenya. Through its broad provisions, it is expected that it will spur social and economic development and secure the land rights of all Kenyans, by among others guaranteeing them ownership, control and access to natural resources.

Land & Property Rights

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2014

The women Land Rights Project is a project of Kenya Land Alliance that aims at actualisation Women land and property rights, as provided in the Constitution of Kenya, 2013 and as a means towards poverty alleviation. This considering the fact that, in Kenya where the foundation of most communities is Agriculture and livestock production, women contribute up to 80% of workforce yet they only hold 1% of registered land in their names and around 5-6% of registered titles are held in joint names (Kenya Land Alliance, 2013).