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Issuesland improvementLandLibrary Resource
There are 274 content items of different types and languages related to land improvement on the Land Portal.
Displaying 229 - 240 of 260

Utilization of organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers on asparagus (Asparagus officinalis Linn.) quality, yield and soil chemical properties

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2013

Study aims to investigate the effects of multi-mixed organic fertilizers on soil chemical properties and asparagus (Brock's Improved) yield and spear quality grown in Kamphaeng Saen soil series. These three fertilizers were the SMB formula, a mixed of biogas sludge (S), cattle manure (M), and oil palm empty fruit bunch (B), the SMC formula, a mixed of biogas sludge (S), cattle manure (M), and rice husk charcoal (C) and the PMP formula, a pig manure pellets. Field experiments were conducted using RCBD experimental design with 8 treatments, and 3 replications.

Perspectives of appropriate non-productive land use in Lithuania

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2018

The average land productivity score is about 41.8 in the Republic of Lithuania. However, in separate regions it ranges from 30.5 to 55.1. The research object is agricultural utilities in rural municipalities of the Republic of Lithuania. The analysis of land use plan fragments in the selected areas shows that land is abandoned mostly in land areas where non-productive land or hilly relief prevails. Having improved conditions of land use, about 44 % of abandoned agricultural utilities can be transferred into intensive farming.

Impact of drainage on heavy metal pollution of soils and land usage regulation

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2017

Lands of industrial regions are often subjected to long-term contamination with heavy metals such as cadmium, zinc, lead, copper etc. Heavy metals circulate mostly due to water flows, and in the areas with humid (micro) climate, the heavy metal pollution propagates from sources with increased intensity because of acidic environment and soil water logging. We established that natural or artificial drainage effectively increases the washout of heavy metal pollutants due to subsurface and groundwater flows.

Amelioration strategies for salinity-induced land degradation.CAB Reviews

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2006

Salinization of soils is a major impediment to their optimal utilization in many arid and semi-arid regions throughout the world. In several large irrigation schemes, salinity-induced land degradation has increased steadily over the last few decades with concurrent reductions in agricultural productivity and sustainability. Currently, saline soils occur within at least 100 countries. These soils need explicit approaches in their amelioration since soil salinization cannot be reduced by routine irrigation and crop management practices.

Regularities of peat deposit settlement after drainage

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2015

Investigation of the process of transformation of the properties of drained peat soil appears a serious scientific problem for the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The article deals with the research of regularities of peat deposit settlement after drainage. The most important factors, determining the process of peat settlement are outlined. Among them are: the depth of ground water reduction, initial power capacity of peat cover, degree of peat settlement degradation, time factor. The results of investigation over the peat deposit settlement have been presented.

Amelioration and nutrient management strategies for sodic and alkali soils.CAB Reviews

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2007

Sodic and alkali soils are characterized by the occurrence of excess sodium (Nasup+/sup) to levels that can adversely affect soil structure and disturb the availability of nutrients for plant growth. Structural problems in these soils are created by certain physical processes (slaking, swelling and dispersion of clay minerals) and specific conditions (surface crusting and hardsetting), which affect water and air movement, seedling emergence, root penetration, runoff and erosion, as well as tillage and sowing operations.

Improvement of scientific-practical bases of irrigation reclamation on mineral soils of the Republic of Belarus

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2015

In a course of the research there was studied hydro-meteorological need for irrigation of mineral soils of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of quantitative assessment of their natural heat and moisture conditions. As a result of realized research there was concluded that in conditions of unstable regime of natural hydrological and thermal regimes of mineral soils it was impossible to receive high and, most importantly, stable over the years yields on most of the agricultural lands without the use of irrigation reclamation.

Actual condition of the constructed land foundation and comparison between planting foundation and the earth fill of early collective housing sites in Nakagawa lowland developed by Japan housing corporation

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2016

The purpose of this study is to clarify land improvement method of early collective housing sites developed by Japan housing corporation during 1960's-70's constructed on marshland on Nakagawa lowland in Saitama prefecture - Misato, Yoshikawa, Takesato, and Soka-Matsubara. Those housings are mainly larger scale mid-rise buildings located on Tokyo suburbs and former land-use is paddy field where collective housings had been never built before 1950's since those areas have deep alluvial layer.

Development of land reclamation in Belarus: education, science, practice

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2015

Belarus represents of the moisty countries of Europe: total area of hydromorphic and boggy soils composed almost 80% (8 mln hectares) in the beginning of XIX century. Amelioration and land reclamation promoting dewatering of potentially fertile lands appeared the most important problems of agricultural science and had been evaluated since the middle of XIX. In Gory-Goretsky agronomic Institute (modern Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture) drainage appears a separate school subject since 1853. Annual conferences concerned to land reclamation had been established this year.