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Issuesland managementLandLibrary Resource
There are 8, 239 content items of different types and languages related to land management on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2665 - 2676 of 6709

Act on subsidy of agricultural structural development and of ecological production in agriculture and fisheries (No. 192 of 1999).

Northern Europe

This Act provides for State financial support for various measures in the field of agriculture and fisheries, such as organic production, development of less-favoured areas, cooperation between farmers, etc. The Minister may tie investment support to agricultural enterprises of improvement plans to be adopted in accordance with article 1 and may issue rules relative to granting of support. Chapter 2 concerns support to environmentally managed enterprises, whereas Chapter 3 concerns incentives for organic production. Chapters 4 and 5 provide for support to less favoured areas.

Crown Lands Regulations, 2001.


These Regulation prescribe matters that relate to the protection, management, use and preservation of good order, of public reserves.The Regulations provide specifications on the use of vehicles, vessels and aircraft in public reserves; animals in public reserves; recreational activities; protection of fauna; authorities; and the preservation of good order on Government House land.

Implements: Crown Lands Act 1976. (2016-09-23)
Repealed by: Crown Lands Regulations 2011. (2017-06-21)

Regional Act No. 15 on the abolition of the Regional Agency for Parks and the Regional Agency for Soil Protection.

Southern Europe

This Regional Act abolishes the Regional Agency for Parks and the Regional Agency for Soil Protection and provides for the rearrangement of administrative functions in this field. Subsequent amendments are laid down to regional provisions concerning the management of protected areas.

Amends: Regional Act No. 29 on regional protected areas. (1997-10-06)

Décret no 2015-1072 du 26 août 2015 relatif aux bonnes conditions agricoles et environnementales des terres dans les départements d’outre-mer.

French Guiana
Eastern Africa
South America

Le présent décret détermine les bonnes conditions agricoles et environnementales des terres ; les particularités topographiques; et la suppression des règles spécifiques aux départements d’outre-mer (Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, La Réunion, Mayotte et Saint-Martin).En effet, le versement de certaines aides européennes agricoles est subordonné au respect de normes relatives aux «bonnes conditions agricoles et environnementales » (BCAE) des terres qui sont établies au niveau national.

Ley Nº 10/1995 - Ley de ordenación del territorio de Galicia.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene como finalidad establecer los objetivos fundamentales y crear los instrumentos necesarios para la coordinación de la política territorial y la ordenación del espacio de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, al objeto de favorecer la utilización racional del territorio gallego y proteger el medio natural, mejorar la calidad de vida y contribuir al equilibrio territorial.

Regional Decree No. 28/96/A amending Regional Decree No. 14/96/A adopting to the Autonomous Region of Azores Decree-Law No. 219/94 (regulating the approval of coastal zone management plans).

Southern Europe

This Regional Decree amends article 2 of Regional Decree No. 14/96/A adopting to the Autonomous Region of Azores Decree-Law No. 219/94 (regulating the approval of coastal zone management plans). It establishes the composition of the Azores' autonomous competent authorities.

Decree-Law No. 309/93 regulating the approval of coastal zone management plans.

Southern Europe

This Decree-Law regulates the approval of coastal zone management plans. It consists of 19 articles and 2 Annexes dealing with the requirements to be satisfied by the aforementioned plans (called POOC) in compliance with the preservation of marine habitat, valorization of existing coastal zone resources and conservation of environmental and landscape values.

Act on management of agricultural land (No. 434 of 2004).

Northern Europe

This Act regulates the management of agricultural land in order to ensure an ecologically friendly impact of agricultural activities safeguarding a sound basis for agricultural production. The Act prescribes rules relative to cultivation and other use of agricultural land in accordance with its destination of use. The Minister may restrict the use of plants not wanted for various reasons set out in article 10 and may lay down rules for products and goods that contain unwanted plant species.

Delhi Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 2004 (Act No. 9 of 2005).

Southern Asia

This Act provides for the preservation of ancient and historical monuments and archaeological sites and remains.The Government will have the power to declare monuments to be protected monuments and to declare archaeological sites and remains to be protected areas. The Director may, with the sanction of the Government, purchase, take lease or assume the guardianship of any protected monument, for its protection or preservation. The Government may also enter into a written agreement with the owner of any protected monument for its maintenance and preservation.

Himachal Pradesh Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1976 (Act No. 32 of 1976).

Southern Asia

This Act provides for the preservation of ancient and historical monuments and archaeological sites and remains.The Government will have the power to declare monuments to be protected monuments and to declare archaeological sites and remains to be protected areas. The Director may, with the sanction of the Government, purchase, take lease or assume the guardianship of any protected monument, for its protection or preservation. The Government may also enter into a written agreement with the owner of any protected monument for its maintenance and preservation.

Island Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China.

Eastern Asia

This Law is formulated in order to protect the ecosystems of islands and their surrounding waters, rationally develop and exploit the natural resources of islands, protect the oceanic rights and interests of the state, and promote sustainable economic and social development.The State Council and the coastal local people’s governments shall include the protection and rational development and utilization of islands in the national economic and social development plan, and take effective measures to strengthen the protection and administration of islands and prevent the ecosystems of islands a