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Decreto Nº 3.609 - Norma del Programa de Regularización y Administración de Tierras Rurales (PRAT) (Libro III, Título XX del Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería).

March, 2003

La presente Norma del Programa de Regularización y Administración de Tierras Rurales (PRAT), tiene como objetivos: 1) Mejorar el funcionamiento del INDA en la adjudicación efectiva y eficiente de la tierra a nivel nacional; 2) Probar y demostrar en el terreno un método para regularizar la tenencia de la tierra rural, formar catastros e integrarlo a los registros de la propiedad; 3) Estudiar la efectividad del financiamiento de pequeños proyectos, como complemento a las otras acciones destinadas a superar la cultura de no registrar la propiedad predial; y, 4) Impulsar la modernización instit

Regional Law No. 71 “On the particulars of turnover of agricultural land”.

November, 2003

This Regional Law establishes the particulars of turnover of agricultural land, including privatization of agricultural land pertaining to public and municipal property. It determines that minimum land area of consolidated agricultural land plot shall be two hectares, while minimum land area of consolidated agricultural land plot in case of irrigation by stationary sprinklers or drained land shall be no less than 50 hectares and in case of irrigation by mobile sprinklers shall be no less than 10 hectares.

Regional Law No. 88-ZRH "On allotment free of charge in ownership of land plots to citizens having three or more children.

November, 2011

This Regional Law establishes the cases and the procedure of allotment free of charge in ownership to citizens having three and more children of the plots of land pertaining to state and municipal property, and it also establishes minimum and maximum land area (dimensions) of such land plots. The aforesaid plots of land shall be allotted for individual residential housing construction and subsidiary smallholding.

Regional Law No. 25 "On allotment in ownership to citizens of land plots pertaining to state and municipal property".

May, 2003

This Regional Law regulates the issues of allotment free of charge to citizens in ownership of land plots pertaining to state and municipal property. The aforesaid allotment shall be performed once only to citizens that had in actual use, before entry into force of the Land Code, the aforesaid land plots for the purpose individual residential housing construction, smallholding and gardening without legal registration of land rights in due course. This Regional Law classifies categories of citizens having the right to land allotment.

Decree No. 1250 of 1983 relative to the right to undertake real property interventions in accordance with the Act relative to the expropriation of real property.

December, 1982

This Decree declares that the right to undertake a real property intervention (encroachment) as foreseen in section 2 of the Act relative to the expropriation of real property may be assigned to anybody.

Implements: Act No. 3 of 1959 relative to the expropriation of real property. (2011-03-03)

Decreto Legislativo Nº 797 - Ley de reforma agraria.

February, 1963

La presente Ley de reforma agraria, tiene por objeto la reforma social y económica del agro nicaragüense a través de una modificación fundamental de la tenencia de la tierra y de la estructuración jurídica y sistemas de explotación de la misma, tendiente a obtener, con la equitativa distribución del área cultivable y de su renta y con el incremento de la producción, la elevación del nivel de vida de las masas campesinas y su incorporación al proceso de transformación de la economía del país y al desarrollo integral de la Nación.

Land Titles Regulation 2015.

March, 2015

This Regulation, consisting of 4 sections and completed by one Schedule, regulates the registration of titles to lands. It specifies the Authorised entity for Act, pt 8A—Act, s 69B (d) and necessary Information about certain transactions and instruments—purchaser’s proof of identity—Act, s 178B (2) (k). Schedule deals with the Identification of documents.

Implements: Land Titles Act 1925. (2018-02-28)


Training Resources & Tools
December, 2013
Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa

Land is a vital resource that sustains livelihoods across Sub-Saharan Africa, but also one that is heavily prone to corruption. Every second citizen in Africa has been affected by land corruption in recent years, according to a study by Transparency International.

Corruption risks and mitigation measures in land administration

Reports & Research
January, 2016

Corruption in land administration has significant societal costs, and can have a major effect on the livelihoods of people worldwide. Corruption in this sector can reduce peoples’ access to land, and harm the livelihoods of small-scale producers, agricultural labourers, indigenous communities and landless rural and urban poor. Women, young people and ethnic minorities suffer most by having their access to land hindered by corruption.

Realizing women’s rights to land in the law

Institutional & promotional materials
March, 2018

Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) “Achieve

gender equality and empower all women and girls” recognizes

the fundamental role of women in achieving poverty

reduction, food security and nutrition.

Target 5.a aims to “Undertake reforms to give women equal

rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership

and control over land and other forms of property, financial

services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with

national laws”.

As the designated custodian for Target 5a, FAO has developed

احترام الموافقة الحرة المسبقة المستنيرة الدليل الفني احترام الموافقة الحرة والمسبقة والمستنيرة

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2018

أضحت حيازة الأراضي سيئة التنظيم مشكلة أساسية، خاصة في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى وجنوب شرق آسيا، حيث تهدد الأمن الغذائي وسبل كسب العيش المحلية وإدارة الموارد الطبيعية بطريقة مستدامة، وأثارت نزاعات حول الأراضي والتعدي على حقوق الإنسان. والمجموعات الاجتماعية المهمشة مهددة بصفة خاصة، بما في ذلك السكان الأصليون، وغيرهم من أصحاب الأراضي العرفيين، والنساء، الطبقات الدنيا، والأقليات العرقية.