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A Terra de Direitos é uma organização de Direitos Humanos que atua na defesa, na promoção e na efetivação de direitos, especialmente os econômicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais (Dhesca).

A organização surgiu em Curitiba (PR), em 2002, para atuar em situações de conflitos coletivos relacionados ao acesso à terra e aos territórios rural e urbano. Atualmente, a Terra de Direitos incide nacional e internacionalmente nas temáticas de direitos humanos e conta com escritórios em Santarém (PA), em Curitiba (PR) e em Brasília (DF).

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This website offers a platform for exchange on environment, conflict, and cooperation (ECC). It aims to foster sustainable peace and development by gathering and disseminating knowledge. It also seeks to create networks among stakeholders in the global environment, climate, foreign policy and security communities.

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Vision: Land is available, accessible and effectively utilised by previously landless and marginalised people.


Mission: Nkuzi works towards the empowerment of disadvantaged men and women to have access to sufficient land secure tenure security, food security, provision of basic services and integrated local economic development. This is done through the provision of legal services, training and capacity building, research, advocacy and lobbying to effective policy change. 



The motto of the Copperbelt University is "Knowledge and Service" . Enshrined in the motto are the following strands:


International Journal of Social Science Studies journal encourages and publishes research and studies in the field of Anthropology, Archaeology, Area Studies, Communication Studies, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Cultural and Ethnic Studies, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Management, Philosophy,Political Science, Psychology, Sociology.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review (EASSRR) is a bi-annual journal published by the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern Africa (OSSREA). Since the publication of its maiden issue in January 1985, the EASSRR has been serving as a regional forum for reflective thinking and critical discourse on the economic, political, and social aspects as well as development issues of the countries and sub-regions within the Eastern and Southern African Region

The Centre for Policy Research (CPR) has been one of India’s leading public policy think tanks since 1973. The Centre is a non-profit, non-partisan independent institution dedicated to conducting research that contributes to the production of high quality scholarship, better policies, and a more robust public discourse about the structures and processes that shape life in India.

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Phuhlisani NPC (Phuhlisani)

Phuhlisani began as a consultancy started by a group of people who wanted to support emerging farmers who obtained access to land through land reform programmes in South Africa. In 2015, after 12 years in operation as a Closed Corporation, the members of the company decided to convert Phuhlisani to a Non-Profit Company which took place in October 2015.

Phuhlisani NPC provides comprehensive services and support for sustainable land reform and rural development including:

Khalifa Foundation-KF started its activities as non government development organization since 1994 to establish human rights for the vulnerable communities in southwest region of Bangladesh. It has been working on the issue of livelihoods, climate change, women rights, child rights and land rights through public awareness, capacity development and alternative income generation.

NRMC is a technical and managerial advisory firm in the development sector that provides evidence-based solutions for sustainable, equitable and inclusive development. 

Established in 2004, NRMC is engaged in creating impactful solutions that make a difference to the society. We achieve results at scale by catalyzing partnership with clients and communities. We believe in ethical business, nurturing talent to be courageous to push the limits of knowledge and discovering new ways of doing things.

LSE is one of the world’s leading social science universities. We have committed to a strategy that will build on our strengths, address challenges and maintain our worldwide reputation for excellence.

We have already achieved many of the goals set out in our 2014 review, including:

  • Strengthening our faculty, which has resulted in remarkable success in the Research Excellence Framework and major improvements in most research-based and reputational rankings.

Land Journal RICS (Land Journal RICS)

The Land Journal is published six times a year for members of the Rural, Geomatics, Minerals & Waste Management, Environment, and Planning & Development professional groups.

The journal emphasises the crossovers in these practice areas and their global nature, with articles contributed by experts from all over the world.






Em meados dos 70, pesquisadores científicos dos institutos de pesquisa ligados ás secretarias de Estado da Agricultura, Méio Ambiente e Saúde reuniram-se no auditório do Instituto Biológico, em São Paulo, com o objetivo de fundar a sua Associação de classe. Após inúmeros encontros, em 2 de Agosto de 1977 foi criada a Associação de Pesquisadores Científicos do Estado de São Paulo (APqc), tendo como objetivos a divulgação, o fortalecimento e a defesa dos institutos públicos de pesquisa paulistas, das atividades de pesquisa e de pesquisadores científicos ativos e inativos. 


O CNPq foi criado pela Lei nº 1.310, de 15 de janeiro de 1951, com a denominação de Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas. Na ocasião, o art. 1º, §1º dessa lei atribuiu ao conselho personalidade jurídica própria e o subordinou diretamente à Presidência da República. Posteriormente, a Lei nº 6.129, de 6 de novembro de 1974 transformou o Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas no atual Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico e reformulou sua configuração jurídica, atribuindo-o personalidade jurídica de direito privado, sob a forma de fundação.

The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) is a South Africa-based civil society organisation working throughout Africa to bring creative African solutions to the challenges posed by conflict on the continent.

The principles underpinning ACCORD’s operations are the very ideals for which humanity has striven for centuries – peaceful resolution of conflict, human rights, and good governance.

— Nelson Mandela

Anuario Antropologico

Anuário Antropológico (Anuário Antropológico)

Anuário Antropológico é uma revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade de Brasília (PPGAS/UnB). Publica artigos originais, ensaios bibliográficos, resenhas, críticas e outros textos de natureza acadêmica que apresentem pesquisas empíricas de qualidade, diálogos teóricos relevantes e perspectivas analíticas diversas. A Revista publica textos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês.Os artigos selecionados pela comissão editorial são submetidos a pareceristas externos em regime de anonimato.

Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) is a collective of relatives of victims of enforced and involuntary disappearances in Kashmir. Disappearances often end in extra-judicial killings or death by torture. The APDP was formed in 1994 to organize efforts to seek justice and get information on the whereabouts of missing family members. It presently consists of family members of about one thousand victims. APDP actively campaigns for an end to the practice and international crime of involuntary and enforced disappearances at local, national and international platforms.

ADC services respond to the needs of business and the community for confidence in the efficient resolution of disputes through best-practice ADR

Avocats Sans Frontières logo

ASF serves the most vulnerable people waiting for justice

ASF intervenes in countries where human rights are not respected, where political violence and armed conflict reign, and where legal rules are flouted.  Justice in those countries, too often arbitrary, does not guarantee the security of the population.  Conflicts are not satisfactorily resolved before the local courts.  People whose rights have been abused tend to resort to vigilante justice, which evolves into the law of the strongest or richest, and contributes to a climate of violence.

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Vision and Mission
A global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to saving lives and ending poverty
Our Vision

We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security.

Carta Internacional

A Carta Internacional é uma revista da Associação Brasileira de Relações Internacionais, dedicada à publicação de trabalhos científicos da área.

Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting ( is a regional analytical, informational and educational platform for Central Asia. Its mission is to develop expert and journalistic analytics, provide training on new media, and provide analytical support for broad social processes in the countries of the region.

This mission is implemented through the following areas:

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