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Issues Land & Climate Change related News
Displaying 61 - 72 of 559
7 October 2022
Lakes in Phnom Penh are fast being filled in and parceled off as prime real estate to wealthy and politically connected individuals. Families who have for generations fished and practiced aquaculture on the lakes and surrounding wetlands face eviction and the loss of livelihoods. At the same time,
3 October 2022
The talks in the DRC's capital, Kinshasa, are informal but meant to allow various countries and green groups to take stock of political positions ahead of COP27 -- the United Nations climate gathering of world leaders in Egypt next month. Environment ministers from about 50 countries will gather
2 October 2022
In the first part of a monthly series, CNA looks at the threat of desertification in Mongolia.
28 September 2022
The United Nations has warned that the Horn of Africa nation is on the brink of famine for the second time in just over a decade, with 200,000 people in danger of starvation.
26 September 2022
China first proposed its "red line" scheme in 2011 to put an end to decades of "irrational development" that had encroached on forests, wetlands and other precious ecosystems.
24 September 2022
Seventy percent of land in Mongolia has succumbed to desertification. The land has also come under relentless pressure from overgrazing by 60 million head of livestock and extractive industries like mining. 
20 September 2022
Since 2015, the increase in the number of undernourished people globally has subverted all the progresses made during the previous decade, with hunger figures back to 2005 levels, the FAOs says.
19 September 2022
Thailand: Climate change strategy gives too much power to big corporations at the expense of local communities.
13 September 2022
The mining executives responsible for the Jagersfontein mine dam wall burst, which has claimed lives and caused major destruction to the community, must be held accountable for the loss of lives, homes and people livelihoods, Amnesty International South Africa said today. According to reports three
13 September 2022
Different marginalized population groups like women, refugees, pastoralists and IPLC will be at the center of the discussion.
10 September 2022
This corner of Kazakhstan, close to the border with Russia, is no stranger to wildfires, which threaten farmland as well as the forests that occupy a mere 4 percent of Kazakhstan.
9 September 2022
BUJUMBURA — The squeal of passing bikes fills the air in the center of a newly created wetland on the outskirts of Burundi’s main city and largest urban settlement on Lake Tanganyika, the resources of which the country shares with Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia. A step

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