equal rights related Blog post | Land Portal
There are 225 content items of different types and languages related to equal rights on the Land Portal.

equal rights

Equality before the law, when all people have the same rights

Displaying 1 - 12 of 14
Land Corruption in Zambia
8 May 2024
Mr. Neil Sorensen
South Africa

The Land Portal Foundation, in partnership with Transparency International, hosted the webinar titled "Breaking New Ground: Insights and Stories on the Impact of Land Corruption on Discriminated Groups in Africa." The webinar brought together a panel of distinguished experts to delve into the challenges and complexities of corruption intertwined with discrimination in land rights and governance. This session provided crucial insights through detailed case studies and expert analyses, offering pathways towards more equitable land management practices.

What to Read Open Data
12 December 2023
Dr. Nieves Zúñiga
Mr. Charl-Thom Bayer
Romy Sato

A selection and review of readings that shed light on the role that open land data can play in equitable and sustainable development, and social justice.

Building a sustainable model for women and community land rights
16 May 2023
Dr. Elizabeth Daley

The WOLTS experience has given me hope for the future. Change is possible.

Discussing Land Use Rights
24 August 2022
Wytske Chamberlain - van der Werf
Maaike van den Berg
Monica Lengoiboni

This blog describes the common trends and actions across the projects, and is enriched with additional insights from the LANDac Annual Conference 2022 and other events.

WOLTS Project 2022 gender equity, land rights and climate change
14 March 2022
Dr. Elizabeth Daley

It’s that time of year again! March means International Women’s Day and the annual meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. It’s not surprising, after COP26 in Glasgow, that this year’s CSW66 links gender equality with climate change. The official theme is ‘achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes.’

1 August 2021
Dr. Jia Yen Lai
South-Eastern Asia

The effectiveness of sustainable land use governance can be undermined if local affected people perceive land-use policies as not reflecting social objectives, or as ‘unjust.’ To transform externally-conceived sustainability principles from the international level into on-the-ground practice, involves the interplay of various organizations and peoples from the government, civil society, and the private sector.

To secure equal rights to land, bring men and women together
13 July 2021
Dr. Elizabeth Daley

There is an underlying tension in the land rights movement that is rarely addressed head on, which is the perception that securing women’s land rights threatens community land rights. Community land rights are typically held by indigenous people, small-scale and subsistence farmers, pastoralists, herders and many other groups who are directly dependent on land for their livelihoods but whose land tenure is often the most precarious.

Palm oil CIFOR.jpg
6 July 2021
Maaike van den Berg

The main objective of the LAND-at-scale program is to directly strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth that have the potential to contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale. An ambitious objective, that cannot be achieved in isolation. Alignment is, therefore, a key factor in all LAND-at-scale activities - be it at project level for our country interventions or through our collaborative approach to knowledge management.

Land conflicts rooted in flawed design of transmigration & misrecognition of indigenous rights.
5 July 2021
Dr. Jia Yen Lai
South-Eastern Asia

A recent paper explores a case study of a palm oil project in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in which competing claims of recognition and land rights have led to conflict between transmigrants and indigenous Kutai people. The study offers evidence to understand the neglected perspective – and recognition – of migrants in situations of environmental injustice.

3 May 2021
Prof. Cheryl Doss
Dr. Vanya Slavchevska

Advancing women’s land rights is a priority for the international development agenda. Yet, there is no consensus on which rights should be monitored and reported. Three indicators of women’s property rights are widely used in the literature. Each captures a different aspect of women’s land rights, but a recent paper explores the extent to which these different rights are held by the same person, using data from six African countries.



Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan

Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) is a charity and not-for-profit organization founded in 1998 to advance education and educational opportunities for Afghan women and their families and to educate Canadians about human rights in Afghanistan. Our four main field program areas include: (1) Investments in Basic Education; (2) Community Libraries, Literacy and Books Program; (3) Technology for Education; and, (4) Public Engagement. For a list of the projects that fall within these programs, visit PROGRAMS.

COMAID works in rural communities in Cameroon, the mission is to support communities achieve sustainable development in areas of land governance, natural resource management, community empowerment.


COMAID was founded in January 2007 and registered on 3rd March 2007 by Cameroon Government with registration N0.010/E.29/1111/VOL.8/APPB.


About Us

The Institute for Constitutional Studies (ICS) was originally set up in 2007.  ICS has been working on constitutional and governance issues since its inception.


Develop the capacity of Public Officials, Civil Society Activists and General Public on democratic governance to achieve good governance, inclusive government and accountability

Revue du Centre de recherches et d'études sur les droits fondamentaux. La Revue des droits de l’homme est une revue universitaire juridique généraliste. Elle publie à rythme hebdomadaire des commentaires rapides de l’actualité sous formes de Lettre "Actualités Droits-Libertés", et de façon semestrielle un numéro de Revue comprenant notamment un dossier thématique et des articles sur sujet libre.

Law & Society Trust

The Law and Society Trust (LST) is a legal research and advocacy organisation founded in 1982 in Colombo, Sri Lanka by the late Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam. Our goals are the promotion of legal reforms for access to justice, justiciability of rights, and public accountability

The Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) is a national human rights-oriented civil society development and advocacy organization that was established in Kenema, eastern Sierra Leone in 1988. It engages in advocacy and strengthens/enhances the capacity of civil society organizations to effectively engage women, men, children, communities, government and other actors for the transformation of society.

Womanity Foundation

We work across the Global South breaking new ground for gender equality.


Gender-based violence, access to education, economic empowerment — every issue that impacts women’s access to a better life is currently under-resourced and underfunded globally. We are committed to overcoming barriers and unlocking women and girl’s potential so entire communities can thrive. We do this by incubating and funding visionary programmes in unexplored areas for transformative change.


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